March 19, 2013

Prisoner On Hunger Strike, Was Punished For Making Valentine's Day Necklace For daughter

by Yusef Latee Williams (author's profile)


"Prisoner on hunger strike, was punished for making Valentine's day necklace for daughter"

Dear USA Today;
I would like for you to print my story, and I encourage you to use your resources for seeking out the truth. I am a prisoner at the Columbia Correctional Institution, in Portage Wisconsin. My name is Yusef Latee Williams #230389. I'm currently on a "hunger strike", in which I began on 2-22-13 in protest of punishment handed ou to me for idiotic and insane reasons.
I paited a white beaded necklace "red", I was going to attach a heart charm to it as a Valentine's day gift necklace for my daughter, my cell was searched, the necklace was confiscated, and I was placed on T.L.U. (temporary lock up). On 2-20-13, Ms. sandy Hautamaki (the Unit Manager and Acting Hearing Officer) sentenced me to 16 days of cell cenfinement and arbitrarily ordered Sgt. Gibson to remove me from my job as a Unit Servery Worker (Cook).
Inmates sentenced to cell confinement are allowed to still maintain their work/school assignments according to C.C.I.'s very own Inmate Handbook rule 18.1A(1) page 22. As proof of the arbitrariness, there are a number of inmates on Unit #9 and throughout the institution, sentenced to "cell confinement" and are still going to work and or school. This was an abuse of descretion at it's finest!
I received this sentence based on a flawed and inaccurate theory. The rulers and authorities of this prison adamantly maintain that "red" is the color of the vice lords and that I am a vice lord, ao I'm guilty of gang activity, which fall under the vague rule of Violation of 303.20 Wis. Adm. code.
I adamantly maintain that "red" is not - and has never been - a color of the vice lords in any shape or form!! I officially retired from this organization 3 years ago. I was a former universal elite within the TVL branch. There are a number of branches, but every singe branch going back to the early 50's have always - I mean always - been "black and gold".
The responsibilities of a U.E. is teacher/leader, I wouldn't have acquired this position without thoroughly being well rounded with it's history. I'm from the Westside of Chicago, born and raised where it spread forth. I've spoken with the rulers and authorities of this dismal crypt, and their response was: "Our training tell us this" - "We were trained by the Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections and this is what we go by" - "We've been to National conferences where all the officials agree that "red" is the colour of the vice lords."
One ruler said: "I've been doing this for 22 years, you mean to tell me we've been wrong for 22 years?" My response was: "Yes, and I was a representative of the vice lords for 32 years, you mean to tell me that I don't know the colors?"
I suggested that they call the Chicago Police Dept. Area 4 District on Harrison and Kedzie, which sits right in the heart ofthe vice lords community, and speak to one of their gang crime/task force authorities to discover the truth. All REFUSE to do so. I mean stubbornly REFUSE nto make a simple call. In the words similar to Jack Nicholson "They don't want to know the truth because they can't handle the truth!!!"
For the sword of truth plunges into the hearts of the arrogant and ignorant it deflates those who are puffed-up with pride, it shines forth with brilliance, but they deliberately close their eyes to its glory and splendor, they are dumbfounded and deaf, plugging their ears to the magnificent swoosh of truth, that sound that rings ever so clear.
I implore you and everyone who reads this story, to do simple research. I'm 99.9% certain that the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times, Google and/or the Chicao Police dept. Area 4 District has the true history of knowledge, that the vice lords colors are and has always been "black and gold"!!! The officials at C.C.I. and within the entire Wis. Dept. of Corrections have their rear in the air, and heads in the ground like ostriches.
I also invite ANYONE who discovers the fact of "black and gold" being the true colors of the vice lords to call, email and/or fax this truth to the Warden of C.C.I., Mr. Michael Meisner or Captain Keher - the so-called "certified gang specialist". 608-742-9100 Fax - 608-742-9111
I shall steadfastly remain on the "hunger strike" until the pharisee's od the institution set matters right. I've been informed by the medical staff that they will seek a court order to "force feed me" when my vital signs weakens. Thank you for reading, posting and helping me in any type of way. May the great architect and designer of the universe continue to bless you all.
Respectfully written and submitted;
Yusef Latee Williams #230389
In duress
Columbia Corr. Institution
P.O.Box 900
Portage, Wis. 53901


Replies (3) Replies feed

hailandkill Posted 11 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Based on the Chicago Gangs website, the Vice Lords are associated with black/gold as well as black/red.

Hope this helps somehow.


Jenna Posted 11 years ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 12 months ago   Favorite
This was found in the Urban Dictionary....

Vice Lord

The Vice Lords are the oldest and second largest black street gang in the Chicago area. It was originally formed in the late 1950s as a club in the Illinois State Training School for Boys in St. Charles. As "club" members were released, several relocated to the Lawndale area of Chicago. They gained recognition as a gang during this time. Their main area of power remains the West-side of Chicago. Since the original formation numerous breakaway factions have formed. These factions now operate throughout the city of Chicago and outlying areas. Each faction has its own distinctive name and leader.

The Vice Lords utilize gold, black and red as their colors and the five-pointed star, top hat, martini glass, Playboy bunny, dollar sign and the cane. The different factions also utilize specific graffiti to identify themselves individually. Their common hand signs are a single upraised hand with the thumb, index and middle fingers to form a "VL." Also utilized is the upraised hand with all fingers extended and a separation between the middle and ring fingers. The Vice Lords call fellow members "People" and use the term "All is well." Members of the Vice Lords can be seen wearing University of Iowa Pittsburg Steelers Pirates and Penguins attire. Members also wear Louis Vitton (VL reversed) caps and UNLV Jackets (UNLV - YVNU reversed, Vice Lord Nation United.)

The Vice Lords can be found in the Midwest and some Eastern cities. They continue to have a stronghold over many Chicago neighborhoods.

Yusef Latee Williams Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
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