March 24, 2013

Comment Response

by Chris Hall
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Comment Response
(Feb. 25, 2013)


Reply ID: v4u8

Neal: Yeah, I don't feel that racial and/or other differences will matter all that much in eternity, all our strengths and weaknesses will complement and reinforce each other. But in the meantime, the deceiver sure likes to play on the differences and pit us against each other.

I have to be on guard against falling into reactionism myself, 'cause I didn't grow up racist nor were most of the people I grew up around racist. But when I'm steadily slandered and attacked for being so, and all the attacks appear to be coming from the same direction, well, it's hard to not feel a little reactionary racism in return.

Man, something that a sociology professor said to me once stuck with me: he said, "Our reactions are not based on reality, but on our PERCEPTION of reality." Think about that. A lot of people view the world through completely different lenses, and some are less in conformity to things as they actually are than others. So what they are responding to, isn't really anything you have done or not done... but this delusion they live in.

Like go to this site. See the Marxist paradigm? Capitalists and/or white supremacists are responsible for all the ills of the world... It's not changed all that much since 1917, the agitation against Christianity, the distortions, the lies... but despite all that... it DOES offer an explanation for how things are the way they are. It makes logical sense. Therefore it is more believable.

When I first came to prison, I was caught off guard about all the anger directed against me for being a racist... then if you didn't fight to defend a position you never held you were just assumed to be a coward, not in a million years believed that you didn't hold such views, after all, in their minds, all white people are bred and raised racists. So it's not uncommon to see riots with 100 blacks against 20 whites. Or whites weaker, unprepared ones being extorted, raped or 'riding'. The black officers secretly enjoy seeing this in my mind, as they figure whitey just had that a coming. But it always trips me out how if the shoe was on the other foot, I know dang well that heaven and earth would be moved to even the odds in the minority's favor. It would be in the news... etc... as it is here, even the white guards are against us, and when something pops off, they ridicule us, for being the instigators, the racists! Ha! Of course, they're scared to speak up for what's right as they fear they will be labeled that way as well.

But now that I understand it... a spiritual war is being waged. Ephes. 6:12 'for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against powers, against principalities..." See, the problem isn't them, it's that mind set that's out of sync with reality. That Bolshevik thought that's been ingrained over and over in their minds through Marxist inspired teachers, Hollywood, and TV... and every other medium through which these ideas sink into their hearts. They would probably act completely differently if they didn't live under the misconception that everyone is holding them down, plotting against them, owes them... etc... and it's not totally their fault either. We're supposed to be waging this war for the Truth, with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, Eph. 6:17.

Have you ever read the passage in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 '...that for this reason God will send them strong DELUSION, that they will believe the lie..." Is not Communist thought a delusion? Is it not influencing how people afflicted with it react?

That always brings me to Christ's last words... "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do..." Isn't that so true! They think they are fighting against injustice, and tyranny... When in actuality more white people are favorably disposed to minorities than against them... Just look at the election results. I know, 'cause I would speak to a lot of people about racist stuff and would get way more negative reactions than positive ones. But they don't see things as they actually are.

A war is being waged right now in our souls, in how we look at things, at what we know to be the truth. And what starts out in the mind and heart is going to have very real consequences in the real, physical world as well. We can't just remain blindfully ignorant and apathetic... well, God will let us experience the consequences of that error should we choose to remain in that error.

One thing I admire about the Communists, they are very active and vigilant in advancing the cause of their god... and we're all gonna suffer for not countering them, I fear.

Anyways, thanks for the response... take care of yourself.

Chris Hall #1565195
Ellis Unit
1697 FM 980
Huntsville, TX 77343


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