Feb. 25, 2013

Comment Response

by Chris Hall
This post is in reply to comments on:  Kill The White Man thumbnail
Kill The White Man
(Dec. 30, 2012)


Reply ID n9p2


Thanks for your comments and concern for Tiny's soul.

Yeah, I think most people immediately make the racism/hatred translation in their minds. Like I don't consider myself racist - I never dreamed of harming minority women/kids or other innocents. Yet for several beliefs that I have, I'm labeled a racist by black/Mex prisoners, government officials and Zionist/communist front groups and unofficial spokespeople. So often that I no longer even care about the label anymore.

I think it's just the new way the prevailing powers demonize and discourage certain trains of thought. If you deviate from the politically correct party line - you're a "racist", "sexist", "homophobe", "terrorist", etc... which translates subconsciously in most people's minds to subhuman and deserving of death and torment... Just a control tool; "racists" don't deserve constitutional rights, peace, justice... Sorta keeps those who wish to retain such basic human rights in conformity to what they're told to think and believe.

Yeah, I used to cynically think whitey was the sole target of the character assassination and incited violence for political deviance, but now I see a lot of various groups suffer from such controlled social conditioning as well. Once I seen the Zionist front group the "Anti Defamation League" (of B'nai B'Brith) denounce the Pope for 'hate speech' for claiming homosexuality is a sin, and after seeing their influence on governmental authorities to block that web site in public libraries as a 'restricted hate speech site' - well, the legitimacy of the official majority's views on morality and Truth was forever shattered in my eyes.

So what the heck, may as well begin to revel in persecution. Better now than later. Better to suffer for standing for what you believe than submissively trying to meet an ever shifting and lowering standard of what's 'unofficially' acceptable. Especially since it never stays the same. What's 'right' today wasn't 'right' 20 years ago, and probably won't be 'right' 20 years from today... give me something solid and unchanging to stand on and believe. If the drones kill me for it, so be it... death may be better than living in the delusional reality they create.

Chris Hall


Replies (4) Replies feed

conrey.neal Posted 11 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 7 months ago   Favorite

Wow! Very insightful. How interesting it is to note that some of the most biased (or prejudiced) individuals I have encountered in my profession have been the self-same demographics you've mentioned. I would interject that fear-based reactionism does seek to categorize others different from one's self-perception as somehow 'lesser than' for whatever justifiable set of parameters each culture and/or sub-culture determines to be viable.

Isn't it great to know that God sees us as His children! Each color and size are the strings of His instrument... we dance by His grace in this orchestra of life and I believe He loves us all the same.


Chris Hall Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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nealconrey Posted 11 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 6 months ago   Favorite

Good words! I am very grateful for this medium of exchange and this moment to share with my brother.

Jesus spoke after His return from the dead and before His ascension. Matt.28:18-20, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Marching orders,with the implied authority this commission was expressed.

There is no amount of darkness that can extinguish the Light. And as is also written, "Where darkness does abound; Grace (as in God's Grace, (given to His Son, and imparted by Him... unto us'ns, You'uns, we'uns!!!) does MUCH MORE abound. In other words...the darker it gets the brighter you,me,we shine. It's not our light... we're just supposed to be the candle sticks!

The enemy would have us believe in the fight... and would distract us from the FACTS. Fact is... the battle has already been fought and won. Jesus went to hell and kicked some ass and took the keys and basically made a mockery out of this 'roaring lion' the bible calls him (who no longer has any teeth... all he can do is roar and make noise). Fact is, we are asked (commissioned) to claim it (this struggle we find ourselves in) as "done"! Fact is the authority of God is given to you and me through the same spiritual mechanism of eternal life (that would be Faith).

The bible tells me that when two are in agreement it will be done unto them so that our Father in heaven shall be glorified. I now come into agreement with you. In the name of Yeshua Homushiac, Jesus the King! My spirit now stands in agreement with yours. What you pray... I say "Amen"! Let us now behold the glory and send the defeated foe scattering! The bible says he (or his agents) will come at us in one direction and we (through Faith and THE NAME)will send em' scattering in SEVEN directiions! It's kind of an unfair fight... defeated foe and all.

I also, by the authority of Jesus and by my commission, speak a blessing over you and Your Commission (which you are fulfilling!), by the blood of the Lamb, shed before the foundations of the earth, by the Name which is above all names JESUS I speak a blessing over you. I bless your body as healthy and functioning as God intended it. I bless your place... and I declare it SACRED GROUND, bathed in the Light of God's love, joy, peace and power. I bless your mind, clear and calm with the Holy Spirit. I bless your heart, protected (as per Phil.4)and filled with all joy, hope and supernatural God-love. And I bless your ministry, and all those who find comfort, challenge and truth in your words of wisdom. Now, all you gottodo is receive this by saying "amen".

We will never know what works we have wrought by love's light until the day we are standing in Its presence.


Chris Hall Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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