Dec. 30, 2012

Kill The White Man

by Chris Hall


Kill the White Man!

Texas executed a man that the world probably wanted to do without last year. Probably one of the most hated types of people in the world... White racists. No doubt Civil Rights groups licked their chops with glee as their enemy was strapped to the gurney and his system flooded with chemicals. The only civil rights they're concerned with is for those who aren't white. If it's a 'racist', well, I'm sure you won't be hearing a peep outta any 'Civil Rights' group about infringed upon rights or liberties. Predictably, even those who may have questioned the justice about the whole affair, if they were white, probably covered their heads in shame, too scared to actually speak up and out against injustice of any sort, especially so if it may lump them into the hated 'racist' designation or even give the impression that they sympathized with such people.

I'm horrible with names. I usually just remember nicknames as they are all we go by in prison. But Tiny was an ex-brother of mine. So yeah, he may have been a member of the Aryan Circle prison gang, with all the negative connotations that entails, but you would have to understand the environment to be an adequate judge of his actions.

Of course, most never do... the prosecutor demonizes someone by dragging up every past misdeed or rash words spoken in the past, and the jury was probably willing to vote death even without any evidence at all, solely on the basis that he was a "White Hate Group" member.

But you tell me. For the life of me, I can't see that he was wrong. I've heard the story from about four different angles... Independent White Dudes, ex-bros, Mexicans, even a black guy that witnessed it all, and of course, his fall partner. I still think he was in the right.

Anyways, he got executed for killing another inmate on Telford unit. Back then in '98 or '99, it wasn't uncommon for white dudes to get jumped repeatedly, over and over, to see if they were gonna 'stay down', but really in an attempt for other inmates to make them ride (ie, turn them into slaves, for money, tasks/cleaning, sex, etc...) The common question upon arrival was 'are you gonna fight, fuck, or bust a sixty?' So a lot of white dudes, being the minority, upon arrival had to fight again and again for the right to be free from control by other inmates.

So when another teenage white dude came in off the bus, he was confronted with a multitude of black and Hispanic inmates. I'll leave the youngster's name out of this as he got 40 years for it and is still doing time, but the teenager fought grown men over and over. While they were beating him, of course, another courageous black inmate, named Dante (RIP) decided to go and steal all the dude's property. Now, as he had his hands full fighting back to back, he had no way to prevent his property from being taken.

But after a long day of fighting, he found out that Dante had his stuff. So he went and tried to talk reasonably to Dante and get his stuff back. After all, according to prison 'rules' established by inmates (which are never followed without the threat of force) if a man wasn't riding, he was entitled to his stuff.

But Dante wouldn't budge. So finally the youngster told him Fine, he could keep all his commissary, but that he just wanted his pictures of his young wife back. (A lot of guys trade pictures of women to masturbate on). But Dante refused even this, saying, "You better get the fuck out of my face, white boy!"

So after all the good arguments in the world had failed, Tiny took a shank and followed Dante to chow and stabbed him to death. Evil racist that he was!

So they executed Tiny for that. It trips me out when I hear people criticize white dudes for being racist in situations like that... which is the term used whenever they attempt to organize themselves as all the enemies around them are organized. "Why ya'll racist?" they say. "I can't stand racists."

So one Hispanic inmate was telling me just the other day. He was on another unit during the same time that Dante was killed by Tiny. Then almost bragging he was telling me how this unnamed white dude came in and was on the rec yard, and a group of black and Hispanic gangsters were surrounding him and clicking on him. As soon as he would get the best of one, that one would slink back and another would jump him from the other side. Over and over. Said they were just seeing if he was gonna 'stay down', but the Mexican confided to me that they were really trying to break him.

But they went too far and killed the dude. So when the guards came everybody scattered and they couldn't tell who killed him as so many people were stomping and clicking on him. Of course, no charges were filed in that case. He wasn't in the system long enough to be a racist, but what the heck, probably just had that look, you know the signs... pale skin, maybe brown hair... Oh and of course, the slavery thing, and the Texas being taken from Mexico... etc, etc... as we are so often reminded justifies absolutely anything nowadays.

I just find it hilarious when after seeing or hearing about such things like that, people can with a straight face say... "Why are you so Racist?"

I don't even personally consider myself racist. Or at least not in the way it is used nowadays. If it means do I believe in personal defense, I would say, yeah, you're damn right I'm racist. But I don't go around attacking or advocating the attacking of minorities just 'cause they are of a different skin tone... nor do I condone such behavior. I always think the racists are the ones that say they aren't racist, the ones that think their own racism is non-existent simply 'cause they end any of the most racist rants imaginable with the clause "...but I ain't racist... I fuck white Hoes!"

Whatever. I think Tiny got a good one. Maybe an enemy of the State of Texas, but a martyr in my eyes...

Chris Hall


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Nicki Posted 12 years ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years ago   Favorite
I enjoyed reading your words. You have an interesting take on an age old issue. One that appears to an outsider to be even more skewed behind prison walls.

When I hear the word racism, to me it simply translates to hatred. I believe racism is taught but I'm intrigued by the reports of the segregation of people by their race within the prison system, in that environment it appears much more about fear and the need to make allies in a place that is truly life and death.

I believe every life has value, and the loss of any life as a result of fear and hatred is shocking to me. Thank you for sharing your perspective on Tiny's life. I hope he rests in peace.


Chris Hall Posted 11 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
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