Who Hath Beguiled You?
John F. Coburn
This message derived from the second epistle of Paul to the Corinthians chapter eleven verse three. In this specific portion of scripture Paul forewarns the Corinthians about false teachers and prophets who will come in and try to deceive them. Paul feared that the Corinthians might be beguiled, as was Eve and turn away from the gospel of Christ by the lies and crafty words of these teachers.
Let no man deceive you with deceitful words! Who hath beguiled you? Who told you that you aren't anybody? That you'll never amount to anything, you're always going to be a criminal, a murderer, a thief, a rapist, a con man, a thug, a drug dealer, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a bum. Who hath beguiled you? Where are they? Point them out! Identify them! Let them be known.
Who hath beguiled you? Who told you that no man will marry you? Or no woman will marry you, you can't have children. You're too ugly, too fat, too skinny, too short or too tall. You'll never be a good father, a good mother, a good parent, a good brother, a good sister, a good son or daughter. Who hath beguiled you? Where are they? Point them out! Identify them! Let them be known.
Who hath beguiled you? Who told you that you are a second class citizen. That society won't accept you, that you can't be a productive member in society, you can't hold down a good job. You're not smart enough, or intelligent enough, you can't own your own business, home, drive a new car, and dress nice, look nice or smell nice. That you can't have a nice bank account. Who hath beguiled you? Point them out! Identify them! Let them be known.
Who hath beguiled you? Who told you that you couldn't preach the gospel, teach the people, and evangelize the world? That nobody will listen to you, nobody will come to hear you speak. Who hath beguiled you? Point them out! Identify them! Let them be known.
Who hath beguiled you? Who told you that God doesn't love you, that God won't hear your prayers, that God won't heal you, accept you, protect you and deliver you? Who hath beguiled you? Who told you that you were born gay, abnormal and unattractive? Who hath beguiled you? Who told you that there is another way besides Jesus, that Confucius is enlightenment, Mohammad is the true prophet of God or that you need to offer up your prayers to God through Mary or any other saint? Who hath beguiled you? Where are they? Point them out! Identify them! Let them be known.
So, my question to you is. Who hath beguiled you? Was it your father, your mother, grandmother or aunt? Was it your husband, your wife, sister or brother? Was it your teacher, doctor, pastor or friend? Who hath beguiled you? Who was it? Point them out! Identify them! Let them be known.
2013 mar 30
2012 dec 16
2012 dec 16