May 15, 2013

Peace and Blessings of the Most High Be Upon You

by Javier Victorianne (author's profile)


Peace and blessings of the Most High be upon you,

It has been awhile since I last sent a missive so their is no
excuse save not getting the job done!
Naturally procrastination is one of the greatest defense tools of all times. Be
that as it may I come as I must in order to do what must be done. I have several
articles that will be going up from respective authors on Buddhism and
Catholicism. It is my humble and sincere belief that once we take man out of the
picture that the light of "ONENESS" shines through.
Enjoy this as I enjoy putting it together!
I personally continue to study in order to reach the clarity and
understanding that so few search for in this life.
One would think that sitting on death row with nothing but death in my rearview
mirror could most likely cause a change. Interestingly enouth that is not the
case. Alot of times in life basic idiosyncrasies take hold and dig their claws
in. Laziness, (such as wanting to watch t.v.) as we know there really is not
much healthy on it. Meaningless and idle conversations which serve no purpose
but to waste time or belittle somebody.
One would think that being in the "Valley of the Shadow od Death" it should hit
home to be positive but that doesn't do it. Each and every person has too choose
in the words of Shakespeare or Bacon (who really knows?)
"To be or not to be" That is truly the question. Of course it is a good idea to
move forward, at least that is the intention. Life is full of unresolved
intentions. How do we begin to stop putting things off? Perhaps we put to much
on our plate at a time. In your current situation that might not be possible
being a such a prestigious institution. He in particular I looked up at one
point and had Confucius "The Analects", The Bhagavada-Gita, The Vedas, The Holy
Juran, The Holy Bible and Torah. I have been doing comparative religious studies
for many years. So many times it has been my only solace when I was at my lowest
and emotionally drained.

How has religion or belief in the "Unseen" allowed you to get
out of low times in your life?
I have been shot at many times in my life, kidnapped and hit in the head with all
kinds of things over the years. Yet inspite of it all I still stand and can hold
a pretty decent conversation (I hope) :)
Prayer, Meditation, Tarot, runes and all sort of other forms of contemplation.
If you have a story or a experience about how "The Source" has protected or shed
his light upon you by all means please share it and give positive energy and
affirmations of glory.

May the Most High cause his
Light to Shine on You


Replies (12) Replies feed

Emma Posted 8 years ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years ago   Favorite
Hello Javier, it's Emma from Scotland here.
I was thinking about you recently after finding one of your letters and I put your name in to google and this post came up.
I'm aware I owe you a few letters by now, I will get round to it, I promise.
I hope you are well, do you have an email address at all?
Take care xxx

LakendraFrank7 Posted 7 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
As Salaamu Alaykum my old and dearest friend Javier,

Curious if you know who it is yet? Its Kendra. I don't want you think I have forgotten about you. I have checked on throughout the years. I was in contact with your mom for years until her number didnt work anymore. I miss you very much and I love you dearly. We have been friends since 9th grade and that just doesn't go away. It hurts me to look at your picture because I want you out and free. Please keep your head up and remember you are loved!

Love, blessing and hugs,

Javier Victorianne Posted 7 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Javier Victorianne Posted 7 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post) Posted 6 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 3 months ago   Favorite

Javier Victorianne Posted 6 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Davesmokes Posted 6 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
I don't know about all that what I do know is some facts and They kind of point to you buddy I seen a lot of things that when I sat back and looked at it looks awfully funny now If we are all mistaken I apologize but I think that the proof is in the pudding II know that drugs do things to people the day don't realize it Dave dead and one is the pieces of DNA the day say was at the crime scene of Amanda was my dog's hair rocky the white dog that's why when they came to my house and took all kinds of DNA in forensics that's with the matched up to the crime scene as well as they say that they have your DNA at the scene in riverside only you know what really happened and God forbid if you're incarcerated for something that you did not do But there's just a lot of things That don't add up and things I seen that do add up with that being said I never use me in court because I good for the case They said I was sticking up for you it wasn't that I was sticking up for you it was the fact that things did not add up in many many ways Serve you have another story why don't you break it down the tear your side buddy

Davesmokes Posted 6 years ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years ago   Favorite
Nothing to say

Javier Victorianne Posted 5 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
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shadowscribe99 Posted 5 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 10 months ago   Favorite
I am the post editor for the (WODZ) WRITE OR DIE ZINE Facebook page. I would like to ask you a couple questions about the Governor of California's recent temporary moratorium on the state's Death Penalty.if you don't mind, your response will be shared on our page as well.

(1) What are your thoughts on the Governor's
Recent decision and do you think this was
A political or moral decision on his part?

(2) Do you think the Death penalty is Wrong?

(3) How is news of the Governor's recent decision
Being received by other death row inmates
There with you?

Thank you. If you are interested in writing the WODZ Facebook page you can post your reply letting me
Know that you want to share your post to our page,
And if their are any people or pages on Facebook
You would like us to share your post with.


Dave Posted 5 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
I think 96% them should of already been plucked any child offenders or sexually involved crimes prob the sooner the better to b honest they did not care what they did when did it so y should we there r them few that did not do there crimes but most did and u that know u did just put ur head between ur legs and kiss ur ass good.bye

Kendra79 Posted 4 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Dearest Javier I am late replying I couldn’t think of my log in information. Be safe with COVID. Can you send me your moms info please

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