May 19, 2013
From While I Breath, I Hope. by Sarai Rose



Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

Pax Vebiscum,

Life at times doesn't seem to want to allow one to remain optimistic, every day bringing with it consuming darkness and dancing shadows. At times I truly wonder how anyone can be anything other than nihilistic? However, I do suppose we must seek the light, even in the darkness.

I believe it is in the heart of darkness that one must sit and learn the secrets of silence that they might in return set out to successfully construct that temple with stones that no hammer nor chisel hath defiled.

Haven't heard from Zahna in quite some time now, she was supposed to visit on the 20th and 27th of April, but a no show for each date. Thus no word from her leaves me to ponder whether or not she has decided to move on? Never could I blame her for she's given me 7 plus good & joyous years and should she depart here, then I could only bid her farewell with utmost love and warm prayers and blessings. Sadness no doubt would engulf this heart, yet for her happiness and success, it would be but a small sacrifice.

This said - allow me to share a few poems with you.



Running carelessly through the hallways of life,
Swimming without aim nor guidance through its mur-
Ky sea of strife. Neither here nor there - can't
Seem to find that guiding light anywhere.

Running without hesitation into the arms of my
Old nemesis, death, like the young virgin falling
Into the arms of her love - palpitating heart, panting
Breath. Running! Can't outrun life so deceiving.

Running as fast as we can, often with no sense
Of direction - dead into a land of nowhere, so
In need of correction; send us that guidance,
That light of direction from somewhere.

D.E. Bauguess 4/15/2013


"Deliver Us"

Come my dear, would you wipe away these
Bloody tears and sing with me to calm the
Inner years. Help me tore away evil's disguise,
Then uncover heaven's violent demise.

Innocence - in all its youth, is there any serious relevance?

How subtly is it stolen by time, that old slithering
Thief and with it, the most ancient of temples robbed
Of belief. Wake me up and sail me across time's tur-
Bulent seas - send me off into the heart of life's
Cruelest realities.

Send me a prophet, one to teach me the way to tran-
Scend this world of illusion and escape all the
Bloody confusion. Tell me, my beloved friend;
Will it all really matter in the end?

Where is this man-made god they say can save
Us - give deliverance and peace ever so glorious?
From this world so chaotic, each breath, every step
Seemingly disastrous; Do you truly believe that
Anyone can or will deliver us?

David "S [ankh] X" Bauguess 3/17/2013

Thanks, once again for the opportunity to share a little bit of myself. For each and every one beyond these prison walls it is my will and desire that warm smiles & laughter fill their hearts and lives.

Love is the law, love under will.

Pax Vebiscum
David "S [ankh] X" Bauguess

"Nosce te ipsum, sic itur ad astra... per aspera!"
"Know thyself, thus one goes to the stars... by hard ways!"


Replies (5) Replies feed

akalitty Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
This was written by David on Oct. 26, 2006
You are, the compassion harbored by your heart,
the kindness you practice which breaks through
the barriers of a dreadful, calloused life.
You are, the unconditional love that you give. A
deep love which radiates an embracing warmth,
so caring, so special from you to me.
You are in every possible way to me, so much
joy and hope you've brought into my life. A
new lease on life you've given me - one that
includes you by my side eternally.

That was written by you for your Zahra. She loves you too. Always and forever yours, she is. I love your writings. I have just come across a whole lot of them. Your drawings and writings are as magnificent as you are. David, you are an amazing man and I feel thankful that you are part of my life. Lauren (aka:Zahra)! :-)

akalitty Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
This one he wrote for his daughter on 2/25/07
Tiny and Precious
A child is swallowed by a sick and darkened world,
abuse and pain leaving him torn inside, searching for a God that might rescue him from the crushing confusion and pain.
Hopes and dreams fading fast, no miracles,
shattered faith - can't escape the horrible shame, nor pain inside.
Along comes a lady; caring and compassionate, an understanding friend, trying to rescue him from the clutches of an evil world, with an abundance of love he'd never known; from friends to lovers, to husband and wife.
Hopes and dreams fading fast; a miracle a lifetime too late - love, alcohol nor drugs; couldn't eliminate the shame nor pain inside.
A child is born; tiny and precious, a miracle of life right before me; Hope revived within a lost and tortured soul - looking up at me, with big beautiful blue eyes; A baby girl smiles.
Hopes and dreams come alive right before my eyes as I held this little angel, easing both the shame and pain inside.
How quickly my little angel has grown, from infant to mother; so precious and dear. My fate was forged, who knows? Maybe, long before I was born, many times I've wanted to escape this clay tomb - yet this little girl has kept me alive inside.
Hopes and dreams quickly fading, a life destined to fail beneath all the crushing pain and shame inside.
A baby girls unconditional love has given me reason and inspiration to seek and look within for that perennial knowledge that leads us to self-realization, which itself leads to the enlightenment of the Supreme Creator.
Hopes and dreams die so quick when one is cast into a cold and heartless prison-cold stone walls have no love; draining all life within.
Yet here I sit, alive and well behind these cold stone walls, all because of that beautiful baby girl - that precious miracle of life, G-d's gift in which my faith was renewed.
Karmic debts I know must be paid, a balance must be found, I've accepted my destiny and position in life's long winding roads; For this baby girl has given me the desire and courage to see this journey through.


sarah31 Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Hi daddy ur gona hav a lot of thes from me. It so easy 2 write u lik this. So guess wht. We r goin 2 st.Louis Saturday at 2 or 3 n the mornin. I'm so excited. I get 2 c Braden and everybody. We r bringin malorie, samuel, siara, Papi,and hopefully Braden will b able 2 com if his stupid dad will let him com. If he don't it goin break my heart. I want a nickname like u gav Lauren but not the same 1 :) I LOV u vry much. I will write u mor n a little bit. daughter and friend always and 4evr

akalitty Posted 11 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Hey David,
I am so happy to have this to send you shout outs when In between kites. I love reading all the writings you send in here. I have some more of them I will add to these as soon as I can get to them again and have a little while to type them. I "hunt and peck" one finger at a time. Takes a while for me to get I it done. I LOVE YOU, HMBS&S. Yours always, Zahra

Sarai Rose Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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