May 17-19, 2013
Friday May 17, 2013 10:20 am. Just come back in from recreation. I enjoyed the sun and fresh air. Before I went out I wrote a letter to a christian who I got a letter from last night. He got out of prison in 1997 after serving 30 years. All I did outside was walk, shot some basketball, talked to the officers and walked. It is beautiful out there. I hope they take me out again this afternoon. They said they would but we will see. I'm going to write a letter, do a bit of art and go from there.
1:32 pm. I didn't get my 2nd rec period. I figured they would beat me out of it, so I'm going to write this preacher and then do some art.
6:13 pm. Just sitting here waiting on showers. I washed clothes, finished a card up earlier, and was just watching the news. After showers I'm going to bed. Hopefully I'll get woke up with some mail. MP3-man never did show up. Have to wait until Tuesday.
Saturday May 18, 2013 5:30 am. Just finished writing a card. I've got a couple of letters to write. A few churches, which I'm about to give up on. There's more churches and christians whose flipping Christ the middle finger and telling him, I don't care about your commands, I'll follow you the way I want to follow you, and your going to deal with it, cause it's going to be my way or the highway!! Cause they don't want to listen to the word, they'd rather decieve themselves and not do what it says. James 1:22. Oh well, they will continue to perpetrate a fraud, being the disobedient, artificial false christians who will find themselves here. Matthew 7:21-23 Matthew 25:41-46. Because they are not true to the teachings of Christ. If their going to do it, they should do it right or not do it at all. Well I'm going to do some writing.
9:12 am. Just ate a soup and cleaned the cell. They passed out cleaning supplies. I wrote a couple of churches. I need to write my Dad and Anne. Its already getting hot in here. I do not like the summer. Loved it on the street. I hate it in here.
11:03 am. Just been sitting here reading the Bible on following Christ, denying the world, picking your cross up daily. Matthew 10:38, 16:24 Mark 8:34, 10:21, LK. 8:23 and Luke 14:25-35. Yet christians are half stepping and not picking up their crosses and following Christ and surrendering everything to Him. They want to do it their way and not his way. Not the way the text instructs them. I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, cause these self proclaimed followers of Christ don't like to hear the real teaching. They want some false prophet Matthew 7:15-23, to lie to them and tell them alot of sugar-coated garbage (lies) that makes them feel good. But Christ is not their top priority. A prosper's life is what they want. They serve Satan, the deceptive one, for they are of the earth. Well here's lunch.
3:57 pm. I did a little bit of art. Fixing to lay back and watch some T.V., wait on dinner and then go to sleep. Elmer has 11 days' to live. Billy has under a month and Marshall has 40 days. Well watch X-games.
Sunday May 19, 2013 5:15 am. Been up since 3:30, just finished eating. Still need to clean the floor. I'll do some writing, bath about 8 am and get ready for my visit from 9 till 3. Come back write a card to Dad and then call it a day. Watch basketball, the world new's and go to sleep.
8:29 am. Just finished bathing. Cell's cleaned and just waiting for them to come get me. They will be here in the next 30 minutes.
3:41 pm. Just been laying down. I had a really nice visit with my Mom. It was great to see her. We really enjoyed ourselves. I ate too much. I won't do that again. Fixing to lay back, watch basketball, the world new's and then go to sleep. Get up tomorrow and try to get some thing's done.
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