June 13, 2013


by Leon Irby (author's profile)


Havana, Tuesday March 12, 2013. Year 17/Issue 71

U.S.: 80 000 prisoners in solitary confinement 23 hours a day

Google translation. Revised by Walter Lippmann.

NEW YORK.-Some 80,000 prisoners spend 23 hours a day "for decades" in isolation cells in the United States, a
report by National Public Radio said Sunday.

The regime of solitary confinement, studies say, causes a mental breakdown between prisoners sentenced to more
than 30 years, the report said.

The suicidal depression, self-mutilation and hallucinations are among the psychological damage affecting
prisoners held in solitary for a long time, said the report.

A case in point is the American former prisoner Robert King, who spent 29 years of his life in a small isolation cell
of 0.9 by 1.8 meters, similar to a "grave" in the Louisiana State Penitentiary.

"I fell asleep on a concrete slab...during winter one froze and one died of heat in the summer." said King.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons U.S. has come under heavy criticism for its detention system. Recently, however,
has decided to review its policies regarding the isolation cells.

The cost of keeping a prisoner in isolation exceeds $60,000 per year in the U.S., while this figure is double or
triple the cost if the stay of an inmate is in a cell regular.

The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world, with 716 prisoners for every 100,000 people.

La Habana, martes 12 de marzo de 2013.Ano 17/ Numero 71

EE.UU.: 80 mil presos en confinamiento solitario 23 horas al dia

NUEVA YORK.- Unos 80 mil presos pasan 23 horas al dia "durante decadas" en las celdas de aislamiento en
Estados Unidos, revelo el domingo un informe publicado por National Public Radio.

El regimen de confinamiento en solitario, aseguran estudios, provoca un colapso mental entre los prisioneros
condenados a mas de 30 anos, se lee en el informe.

La depresion sucida, automutilacion y alucinaciones figuran entre los perjuicious psicologicos que afectan a los
prisoneros recluidos en solitario durante mucho tiempo, precisa el documento.

Un caso al respecto es el del exprisionero americano Robert King, que paso 29 anos de su vida en una reducida
celda de aislamiento de 0,9 por 1,8 metros, parecida a una "tumba" en la Penitenciaria Estatal de Luisiana.

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"Sobre una losa de hormigon se dormia...durante el invierno uno se congelaba y en el verano uno moria de calor",
explico King.

La Oficina Federal de Prisiones de EE.UU. ha sido objeto de fuertes criticas por su sistema de detencion. Sin
embargo, recientemente ha decidido revisar sus politicas acerca de las celdas de aislamiento.

El costo de mantener a un preso en aislamiento supera los 60 mil dolares por ano en EE.UU., mientras esta cifra
se duplica o triplica en caso de la permanencia de un recluso en una celda regular.

Estados Unido tiene la tasa mas alta de encarcelamiento en el mundo, con unos 716 presos por cada 100 mil
personas. (HISPAN TV)



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