Bayless, 6-15-2013
Howdy there! I pray this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits for that is how I am on this end of the pen.
Well I was so very happy to see? your blog response. Thanks for remembering me. I have wondered what had become of you and of course prayed for better days for you than the ones you used to have.
Going this route takes a little while but be understanding when they do send it, I always will respond in a timely manner. I would hope maybe you could just write directly which would not have all my letters on a site for everyone to see but trust I will keep my end of the letters clean according to anyone can read them even parole. So be careful please, just a reminder.
Man, you just don't know how stress free I have felt since not only giving my life to Christ but moving on with my life as a solo man. That was holding me down and I just do not want to spend my life in Ad-Seg.
I would have to be retarded to do that to myself. Today I have some goals set for myself. First, of course to get out of here. Then I want a job, school, play handball and work out with the weights.
Keep me in your prayers as I strive to do God's will in my life. I am happy to hear you not only got out of parker but in some school to better yourself. I hope you the best.
Man, if you can shoot me some pictures. You know how it is. Everyone is doing good. Curtis and the girls don't live on the creek any more but have their own place. My dad lives there now. So you'll always be able to find me there.
Write me back. I miss you. We had some good times. :) If you can ever get a college pal to write it would be awesome. Take care and you really made my day.
2013 jan 20
2012 dec 7
2012 dec 6
2012 jun 14
Replies (1)