July 18, 2013

My Continuing Quest for Justice

by Milo Rose (author's profile)


Milo Rose, blog entry page one of four "My Continuing Quest for Justice"


I have been blessed to construct this blog in such a way that the following two copies of letters I have sent, will not be seen as rash, or an act of desperation. I have been trying my case in the court of public opinion, because I have been left no rational, or acceptable alternative, except to represent the facts myself. I may be naive in believing I will succeed, but know for sure I would fail if I don't... I did not create the record of facts which prove I did not receive a fair or impartial trial, and appellate process. But, I am expounding on that record to the best of my ability as I represent myself before this court of Public Opinion. Please help me to encourage the United States Attorney General, Mr. Eric Holder, to prosecute the evidence my case represents of racketeering by a faction within Florida's legal community.

Thank you,
Mile Rose

Milo Rose, blog entry page two of four "My Continuing Quest for Justice"

Milo Rose #090411
Union Correctional Institution
7819 NW. 228th St. P3225
Raiford, Florida 32026-4430
June 25, 2013

Mr. Eric Holder
United Sates Attorney General
950 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530


Dear Attorney General Eric Holder:

On January 9, 2012, I sent the enclosed two page copy of a general affidavit/formal complaint to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, which did not receive the diligence required of her office leaving my legal representation in control of those the evidence shows collusively obstructed justice to suppress and oppress the evidence of my innocence.

Due to this infraction by Florida's Attorney General, in the shedding of her duty as the states vanguard in protecting the integrity of the law. I now call on you to assign a special prosecutor to indict, and prosecute the evidence of racketeering by a faction within Florida's legal community, as referenced through my blog.



Milo Rose

Milo Rose, blog entry page three of four: 'My Continuing Quest for Justice'

Milo Rose #090411
Union Correctional Institution
7819 NW. 228th st. P3225
Raiford, Florida 32026-4430
January 9, 2012

Ms. Pam Bondi
Florida Attorney General
Office of Attorney General
The Capital
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050


Dear Ms. Bondi;

I pray you will accept this communication as a formal complaint alleging evidence of organized crime seemingly operating with impunity within the ranks of Florida's legal community. More explicitly, there is compelling evidence of racketeering by a faction within the legal community profiteering off of Florida's 51 million dollar a year capital punishment scheme.

Due to the sensitive nature of this complaint and the extenuating circumstance leading up to it, I have taken the precaution of making this complaint a public declaration through posting copies of it on the internet. Most of the evidence alleging a corrupt element operating within the ranks of Florida's legal community has already been posted online. Google Milo Rose innocent on death row.

Milo Rose, blog entry page four of four 'My Continuing Quest for Justice"

I fully expect this complaint to receive the due diligence of your office, especially with there being active death warrants.

As the cumulative evidence of a corrupt faction operating within the ranks of Florida's capital punishment scheme taints the process to the degree of the death penalty in Florida having to be abolished.

I have every expectation the contents of this complaint will be used to block all pending executions while this office dutifully investigates and prosecutes the evidence of organized crime operating within your ranks and under your watch.

I, Milo Rose, do solemnly swear on this day January 9, 2012, under penalty of perjury that the contents of this affidavit/complaint to be true.


Milo Rose


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asdfasdfvful Posted 11 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
I worked on the transcribing the first page for your post.

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