Sept. 21, 2013

A Brief History of Shirleyworld - The Madness Journals - Chapter XXIV

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


Chapter XXIV

You may be shocked to learn that ShirleyWorld did not fall apart with Lt. Whirlwind on a two week vacation (like the Aerosmith album I feel she is on a 'Permanent Vacation') to the sunny shores of Hades. The joint ran pretty good without her pulling antenna wires out of windows, seizing water bottles from cells, or making men uncover their cell window while they use the toilet (why she wants to see that I will leave up to a psychiatrist). I know she would be disappointed to know that some men actually got to wash laundry and hang clotheslines while she was soaking up the heat with Satan. I wonder if she walked the streets of her community spewing venom about her job like she does here. Why would someone work with prisoners if they hate prisoners? The answer is very simple: MONEY! And trust and believe they pay the Whirlwind very well. Your tax dollars are paying her to create future crime. You foot the bill for the water bottle detective of the Greater Shirley Region. Your paycheck is lessened to support the reign of the Anti-Antenna Abolitionist. You supply the sheckles that comprise her fat check (which she picks up with a wheelbarrow and ski mask) which is turned into grup to continually plumpen her ever ballooning derriere. If you heard this abuser talk, you would think that the place, ShirleyWorld, could not run without her, but after this two week vacation (the prisoners she abuses on a daily basis were the ones that really had a vacation) everyone learned that the Whirlwind is far more of a hinderence to effective operations than she is a help. Her type of hatred, her draconian repressive attitute, is no longer welcome in modern corrections. Her hated of prisoners should be her marching orders. She should be forced to have to really work for a living. She should be scrubbing floors at the Sheraton (or possibly at the Golden Banana) then she may have some empathy for the human condition. But when you make your living off the misery of others, keeping men in cages, your inner disease - your putrid heard - makes it impossible for you to care about the downtrodden. Her vile hatred flows over to the streets of your town in the form of angry prisoners she has abused. Her finger is on the trigger as sure as the ex-con's.

Well, I can't resist giving you another short (I hope) paragraph about the esteemed Lt. Whirlwind. I was going to just report what I did but then she came back from vacation and it was pure 'Whirlwind' how she handled her return. The Whirlwind posted up on the ShirleyWorld walkway (which called insstitutional movement to be delayed by 22 minutes) with Sht. Messy-Her and checked each old and infirm diabetic who limped or shuffled off to get their insulin shot to see if they had 'proper ID'. Dhe turned back any other old man or cripple who did not have the proper 'papers' and it reminded me of a Nazi checkpoint in one of the black and white movies on TV. The Whirlwind reminds me of Colonel Klink from Hogan's Heroes: totally unqualified for her job but stumbling through her duties with reckless abandon. The Water Bottle Detective of the Greater Shirley Region was the Chief of the IS Task Force on this day and she was in her glory. The hatred in her eyes betrayed some deeper failings and I am anxious to be free of her rule.

They shifted around all the 'Captains' in here. Captain Cowardly was sent to the 3-11 shift and Captain She Bert was moved to the first. They were not happy and to display his anger at the move Captain She-Bert has ordered that the Law Library and General Library be closed for the past two (2) Saturdays. Now you see Deputy Denied-Oh had issued an order that the Library be open all day Saturdays, but in usual testosterone (and quite possibly estrogen) fuelled angst, Captain She-Bert has ignored her order and taken out his ire on the prisoners. This is standard DOC operating procedure: when the guards are unhappy at an administrative decision, they take it out on the cons. When the administration is unhappy with the actions of the the guards they take it out on the prisoners. Either way, we suffer which ends up ultimately with the public suffering. The effects of closing the library in prison have a direct negative impact on public safety as the men have to find other, less productive, ways to fill the void. Here at ShirleyWorld they fill it with booze, drugs, gambling and slumber. Instead of teaching consistancy and encouraging positive change, the prison displays ocnstant inconsistancy and promotes addiction and anti-social behaviour. Many of us work to educate our brothers in spite of this, but the prison pains us as 'negative leaders', 'subversives' and trouble-makers. Men take great risks to effectuate positive change in here against great odds. Many times we are shooting an elephant with a BB gun, but we keep firing nonetheless. Captain She-Bert cares not at all about rehabilitation or public safety: his only concerns are overtime and benefits. You pay for his failure.

The night before 'Labor Day', which is the most ironic holiday for prison guards to celebrate as they certainly don't do anything that ressembles labor) they did another one of their booze cruises here looking for homemade hooch. There are 60 cells on my block and they assembled about 20 correctional clowns to go through these cells. Do you know how much booze they found? NONE! Do you know why? Well, there are a few reasons. If some poor soul was reduced to having to imbibe in putrid fruit juice due to Deputy Denied-Oh's restriction closures of the prison he would have plenty of time to flush the red-eye down the toilet when he sees the gay parade of correctional clowns marching into the block. Also, most men at ShirleyQWorld who are addicted are not addicted to booze: they are addicted to drugs. These 'Booze Cruises' never gind suboxin or heroin. They never find any illicit substances and i do not believe they are designed to find any. I believe that the 'Booze Cruise' is just another tool of the oppressor to keep us their captive job security victims. You see, they do the final count at 9.40pm. Men are tired - I am tired - they lay down to go to sleep. The next thing you know they turn on the bright lights in the cell block and start entering cells on their booze cruise. They keep you up until 10:30 or 10:40 and then you have to fix your cell after they disrupted the contents. Your whole night is screwedup and you wake up the next morning tired and aggravated. This is their intent: treat us like animals. It pays great dividends for the system. As you now know (because I put it in this blog) there are 5500 DOC employees that cost you $352,000,000.00 in salaries alone! The social cost is much more damaging.

Last night we had Father O'Hara come in again for Mass. Now, supposedly The Boot had issued an order that every first and third Thursday of the month that the Chapel would be open for Father O'Hara's service. Well, I guess no one got the 'memo' as last night they did not assign an office to the Chapel; which means they could not open it. Now our Chaplain - the Artful Dodger - had been forced by the administration to show up here on Thursday due to the huge deal we have made about the Chapel closures on that night. Well, he was in fact here last night, and his presence played a role in the Chapel getting opened, but not after such a significant delay that we had to have a special movement and our service time and fellowship was cut short by a full half hour. Why is it so hard for the facility to get it right? Because they do it on purpose. They use this as a tool to make their preposterous claims of 'understaffing' and seek new jobs to be taken by their state fed offspring. How many guards are needed? You cannot believe the staffing levels here at ShirleyWorld. It is off the chart, but the union has negotiated themselves into such a place that you pay for four (4) employees to do the job of one (1) and they do that job with piss poor results. The 47% recidivism rate is indicative of that.

Please do what you can to attend the September 28, 2013, Occupy Prisons Rally in Milford. Please contact the event coordinator Karen Schulman at:

Learn first hand from family members of prisoners the devestating effects the failure of this system has had upon them. Join us for a lively discussion on solutions. Be part of the solution and play a role in keeping your streets safe.

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