Ms. Maya Angelou wrote Why Does the Caged Bird Sing. Many quoted this after. There's the story called The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Well, this is the reality of "the men who cried help." And the answer to why the jail birds sing.
Letters, grievances, complains, oh my! Negligence, retaliation, and hate, no lies!
Many have been notified. Many have turned their eyes. So what do the men who cried have to do to be the main focus? Quote: "If everyone is a part of the problem, who is the solution?" Why do the jail birds sing? They sing because the walls are so thick the cries cannot be heard. The tears cannot be seen. Ears aren't alert to the screams of the jail birds' mental state. The mail is unsafe, the help they dictate. So the men behind this secluded dungeon are kept from civilization.
Men is plural meaning it's more than one tear, one plea, one try. It means there's more than two tears in a bucket. Try! 1,000 tears flooding the building from the treatment of us men endure inside. They say men aren't supposed to cry. They're to be tough, lean, and strong. Supposed to fall, get scraped, dirty, get up, and dust themselves off.
Did you ever think! the cuts weren't scrapes? The scrapes weren't small. It's way passed wounds. No third degree burns. They are fire torches to skin with oil added to 'em. So the cries are yells for help. No one's coming to save.
But we are not boys crying wolf. We are men who want you reading to change our fate. It's getting dark! That's our eyes closing. Because the dungeon master controlling these others got us men sulking. It's covering up the bad with false good. So his masters, and you reading this, our cries for help go unknown. This I'm speaking of is no game. We are really crying for change.
The judges took society away as our sentence. He never said this was part of the treatment plans: medical neglect, food amounts not fit for third graders. Matter of fact, they eat better back in the day when slaves, for we are eating to lose weight.
We are dying for! Crying for! We are trying to be patient. But is patiences worth waiting for if there is no change presented in front of our faces? So if change is not presented, what we're maintaining is frivolous and this mean help is non-existent. And the wolf, which is the staff as a whole, will keep us screaming. And you will not be listening.
So my question is when will people start paying attention? And the answer to your everything said from the beginning is in between that and this ending. So our cries, our screams, agonizing belts.
Ladies and gentlemen of society, we are the men who cried help!
Originated, created, and written by LaRon Philmore!
I want the world to see that, yes,
we are criminals, but we are still
human beings! :)
The concept (original idea) and inspirations that made the ball rolling in my head is my greatest influence, Ms. Maya Angelou, and the famous childhood story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. BUT the men who cried help! is by yours truly, and how all of the men fill. Some are just too fearful to tell it.
2013 oct 1
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2013 oct 1
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Replies (7)
"Happiness has little to do with what is going on around you, and a lot to do with what is going on inside you."--Alan Cohen
I'll tell Brit you said 'Hi'!