Sept. 29, 2013

Why Care

by Bobby Villado (author's profile)


Why Care

I look around at my fellow prisoners and I see despair and hopelessness. I see a lack of caring and empathy that's nowhere to be around.
I can't criticize people harshly when people have turned their backs on them, abandoned them and just plainly forgot about them.

I see no inclination to harness the suffering and the path that was brought to them and switch that around and turn it into something positive.
Mostly I see the drive and fire some needed to have to survive gone, withered away and used for something that's absolutely useless.
Discussions with many lead to trivial conversations that lack any meaning or substance.
Talk of menial things are in abundant and lack of caring of issues that are pressing is unheard of or fathomed by many.

I'm always trying to push further one's understanding and knowledge. I try to grapple with prisoner's consciousness and chain of thought,
but it seems I'm stonewalled or the topics seem to bore them. Yet, conversations about food, women, stories of one's past, drugs or sex will instantly
garnish you a captive audience. Most simply just don't care and to put it bluntly don't give a fuck. They say, "Why care?" It's not bothering them so
why get involved? It's happening in their country so why care?"

Little do most prisoners understand that if it happens there is can happen here (if it's not already...). If nobody says nothing, who will?
To think that a nation or an individual is an island

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is pretty stupid. We're all connected on this planet in one form or another. If you can idly sit by while bombs or bullets kill people
indiscriminately then you have lost your humanity. If positions were switched, how fast would we (who are suffering) ask for help from
other humans? Why care? I tell many, cause we are all suppose to care for one another, nay, we have an obligation.


Replies (2) Replies feed

mslock Posted 11 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

I think it's great that you care. You should never stop caring or getting other people to care as well. It is people like yourself who keep us from becoming a complacent society, which is dangerous.

God Bless


Bobby Villado Posted 11 years ago.   Favorite
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