Nov. 28, 2013

Grievance Report

by David Troupe (author's profile)


I WANT TO GRIEVE: WSP COU (suicide watch) is being abused by M.J.M. Ms. M. is using sheets and duct tape to cover the COU windows. The last 2 times I was on suicide watch my windows were covered. This did not start until I told an officer in front of M that being isolated stresses me out. MHP K.S. said she was surprised by my outbursts on the COU because I'm normally calm. Having the windows covered creates a blind spot by the door, it reduces immediate visibility, creates stress and a sense of loneliness. The WSP COU cells were created with windows all across the front for MAXIMUM visibility. M is now violating that purpose. M is supposed to use the COU to help, not punish. I've gotten so stressed with my windows covered I cut on myself, [redacted], hit the door, and even yelled for 45 minutes on the tier. So why does she practice this as of Jan 9-13, 2012? If it's created an unhealthy situation shouldn't she stop? The 2 cameras in the cell only see from high angles. The only way to really see me is through the window. Also, some staff get busy, some lazy, either way it's safer if ALL staff can look into the cells in case someone else is too busy. More eyes means better safety. With the blind spot by the door when the windows are covered... all it takes is one time for it to be used and it's too late.

SUGGESTED REMEDY: Stop covering the COU windows no matter what the circumstances are. Look into M.J.M.'s history of misconduct as well as her being fired in 2011 to see if there's other reports like this.


CMHPM B. K. reports: I have reviewed your grievance and most recent inpatient records. You did not indicate the specific date(s) of your complaint so I am unable to ascertain when your complaint is about. You do indicate you were apparently in a COU room under reduced stimulization protocols. Offenders are placed under this condition of confinement based on their mental health needs and behavior to provide them the best environment to stabilize. Offenders are able to be observed via the cameras in the cells and for those on continuous watch; such is done by custody per policy. Your claims listed in the suggested remedy towards Dr. M. are not related to your generalized complaint about the reduced stimulization protocol and are therefore ungrounded.


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