Nov. 28, 2013

Daily Journal (Oct. 25-31, 2013)

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Daily Journal
October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013, 8:55 a.m.:
So far I haven't done anything, other than clean my cell. Wish the property room would bring my art supplies. I can't even do any art projects. Wish they would start selling better supplies, but I don't see that happening. I'm going to listen to music and walk.
2:53 p.m.:
Just finished working out, about time I did something. I was hoping to go to rec. But they didn't come around. I've got to get back into a regular workout schedule. Not sure what to do now.
5:00 p.m.:
Didn't do much of anything. Fixing to lay back, watch some T.V., and call it a day.
Saturday, October 26, 2013, 9:51 a.m.:
Just finished working out. Fixing to wash up, then make a stew that I'll set up for dinner. For lunch I'm going to have tuna at 12 p.m. The Miami Hurricanes play, I'll watch them, then play state. And I need to do some writing.
6:08 p.m.:
Watched football, but haven't accomplished anything. Fixing to lay down and call it a day.
Sunday, October 26, 2013, 8:30 a.m.:
Waiting for them to call me for visit. I set up for my workout, but didn't do anything. I really need to find some motovation. I just feel tired and worn down. Not even writing, doing art, and it all took a toll on me when they killed Bill. That was an emotional drain. I need to get out of this cell for awhile. That always helps. This cage mentally runs me into the ground.
3:20 p.m.:
Just got back from the visits. Had a good one. Going to lay back now, watch some football, then go to sleep.
Monday, October 28, 2013, 6:23 a.m.:
Got up at 5 a.m. Cleaned this cage, ate cereal for breakfast. Now watching the news, waiting to see if they call rec this morning. I need to write a letter or two.
4:09 p.m.:
They didn't call rec. I did get some art supplies, so I spent the day working on some art project's new stationary. I wrote two letters, again I did not workout. Fixing to lay down, watch some T.V., wait for showers, then come back and go to sleep.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 6:51 a.m.:
Hope they call rec this morning. If not, then I'll work on a piece of art.
11:47 a.m.:
They called us for rec. So I'll be going outside. Be nice to just get out of this cage for a few hours.
5:14 p.m.:
Just got done washing clothes and bathing. Fixing to lay down and call it a day. I played three games of basketball and did some pull-ups. My knee and this ankle are hurting too, had to play ball.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 2:29 p.m.:
Went to rec. this morning. I don't like when they call ball back-to-back recs. Only three of us on this side went for from behind us. I did pull-ups and dips. I need to do some push-ups and wash clothes and write a letter. Showers will be late tonight, so I'll stay up and watch Survivor. Then hit the bed.
4:30 p.m.:
Just finished eating and washing clothes. Was doing some art work, trying to finish up a couple of projects. Fixing to call it a day.
Thursday, October 31, 2013, Halloween, 8:11 a.m.:
Got up at 4 a.m. After I cleaned up, I finished off an art project, then wrote a letter. Still have a couple of letters that I need to write, some art projects that I need to work on.
2:01 p.m.:
Sitting here doing some art work, listening to music. Can't wait for 7 o' clock, so I can go to sleep. Hard to believe that October is gone. Kimbrough has twelve days to live unless his attorney's got him a stay, which they could do because of this new drug Bill's attorney could have gotten him a stay, but Bill didn't want to be put through that on again, OFF again execution, which I understand. Still miss Bill. I so badly want to stop this death penalty, and I get angry with these orgs that just talk the talk and do nothing to end it. We need action. Guess I'll go back to my art.
4:09 p.m.:
Just heard that Tommy Grover has just died over at RMC of cancer. He left out of here last Tuesday.
5:15 p.m.:
Fixing to call it a day, put the art away lay down until I fall asleep. Just another day in this cage.


Replies (2) Replies feed

Calhoun25 Posted 11 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Thanks so much for writing! Whenever I lose my motivation for doing things, I always try analyzing why I'm doing something. Usually that reinvigorates my will-power, as I rediscover the original spark that motivated me to do what I do. Or maybe with art, you can find motivation in new concepts and techniques that spice up artistic style. Maybe try cubism (Picasso) or pointillism (Seurat) for fun. As always, keep up the great work, and keep writing! Stay strong!

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 11 years ago.   Favorite
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