Jan. 15, 2014

Comment Reponse

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  The Pirates thumbnail
The Pirates
(May 31, 2013)


Dearest Cyndi,
Please come out here to the prison for a visit. We will keep it just between you and I: no one else. Just give me one chance to apologize to you face to face. No strings; no exceptions. Just one short visit. I know you will be happy that you did. There are just a few things which are very personal that I would like to share with you face to face. It would be our secret. You would be doing me a great service in allowing me to unburden myself and I would hope that you could let off some steam in my direction.
The bottom line is that not only would I love to see you but I really need to see you. Please take just a few hours out of your life.
You can find out about the visiting regulations here at;

I really hope to see you soon.
Peace & Love,

Memories can fade but some stay clear,
these are the powerful and most dear.
Like gold bars in a vault I value their depth,
and when I dwell on some I'm stripped of my breath.

Just a chance to look someoe in the eye,
and do my best to explain that incomprehensible why.
Just between us and for our ears alone,
just give me the chanve and you will be shown.

The fiber of being,
lost long ago,
you are the one.
To which I will show.

For Cyndi.


Replies (2) Replies feed

KateRB Posted 11 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post, and I thought the letter was beautiful. I hope Cyndi (whoever she may be) does visit; your poem was truly moving.

Wishing you happiness,

Timothy J. Muise Posted 11 years ago.   Favorite
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