Hello Susan :)
You know... emptiness is a common feeling amongst us prisoners. And if we are honest with ourselves, we have all felt that emptiness feeling. It is an emptiness that friendship, love, sex, power, popularity or success can never assuage - a longing for something indefinable, something incalculably precious but lost. Every good thing can remind, beckon and awaken in us a greater desire for that elusive something more. The closest we get is a hint, an echo in a face, a painting, a scene... And then it's gone. But after reading your comment, I instantly realised what the emptiness is for us prisoners... Simple human compassion! Something we're neglected because of what we've done... forgetting that some of us do change. Thank you for your warm energy vibes I received today. Even though you reside far from CA, your words have managed to touch my spirit. God bless you Susan and I wish you Godspeed.
2016 aug 5
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