Somethings don't make sense - Corner
I just don't understand, why society thinks inmates is always scheming.
If you would think about it, who is the real schemers: the bakers, Correctional officers, polices, judges, lawyers basically the people of importance.
Why do society judge others situation based on the surface of what they read, hear or see. Missing information can destroy someone life literally. Some people don't have all the facts behind the matter, before they pass judgement on the individual.
Why do people compare themselves to others. If God wanted you to be Johnny or Sally, he would have created you to be that person. But that's not the case. He created you to be yourself. Well, how do I become the person I suppose to be. Focus on what you like/want out of life. Think about the person you comparing yourself to might be on the verge of loosing their minds because they can't handle who they are or has become. Just because they appear to have it together, don't mean they do.
Why do society continue to be engaging in racism? Well my daddy, grandpa, mother or aunt taught me this is right. So if these individual told you jump off a cliff. Honestly think about it, you would think they are crazy. For the ones who is not foolish enough to do whatever someone tells them. Racism is done out of foolish thinking.
Why do society's men and women leave abusive relationship only to go to the opposite sex only to be abused all over again. You have women going with women because all the men they were with, abused/sexually took advantage of them. They get with women only to have them blacken their eyes/take advantage of them sexually, as well. Then you have the women who has never been with a man. They say their gay, but they want their lover to use a dildo on them. That is the same as penetration with a man, the only thing you can't get pregnant. Likewise the men are doing the same thing as the women. They had a woman or women to abuse them. Now they in abusive relationship with a man. Then you have the gay men who has never been with a woman. Everybody saying they don't like penetration that is why they are that way about opposite sex. But you got the gay men having anal sex. That is why so many gay men/women want to marry their partner. Because they are no different than a married couple. But they suppose to be gay. Think about the choices you're making in life. Is it making life easier for you or harder? Do I honestly want to continue in this foolishness? Besides being pleasure in the bedroom. Do you have something going for yourself. I am not talking about money, fame and fortunes. I am not bashing homosexual relationship. Because I have friends that are gay. It's just something to ponder on.
Why do people want what others have? These people are greedy and covetous. They will go through any measures to take other people belongings such as friends, boyfriend, husband, jobs and business etc. On the inside they don't feel complete they have full position from that person. These types of people are very jealous, conniving and bitter. Some will go as far as hurting anybody physically or emotionally to get what they feel they deserve.
When people withhold information purposefully to bring harm to a person. There are people who are on earth that desire for people to suffer wrongfully because they don't care about the next person. For example, this man purchase a used car to get to work. The man was already struggling trying to make ends meet. If he didn't get to work, this man was going to even struggle harder. The man just got the car the day before. On his way to work, the radiator began to get hot.
So he had to pull over. This put the man behind for work. So he called a mechanic to come wheel the car in to be fixed. The mechanic was nice enough to drop the man off at work. Immediately the mechanic begin to work on the car, when he got to the shop. The man called the mechanic on his break. The man said 'How long has the radiator been a problem?' The mechanic said this car has been had this problem for a while.' So the man begin to tell the mechanic I just purchase this car yesterday. The mechanic said I think you should notify the salesperson. When the man, contacted the sale person, he swore up and down this car is sort of new. Instead of saying -> can't this car has had this problem before. I apologise for not telling you. I am going to refund you etc.
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Replies (5)
Thanks for writing. I think you make some really important points! But I think that the advice you give re. racism also applies to homosexuality - maybe if you asked your gay friends they would explain to you that things aren't always as simple as sexual acts or escaping abusive relationships.