Friday 12/10/2010
Hello world!
Just recieved a few responses on this blog. Well, what I received was dated 25 days ago, but we can't be upset with slow connections :( It's nice to be heard :)
I'd love to hear one thing you've seen today that made you smile?
A snowfall... a red rose... a pretty smile...
Anything! There are not many reasons to smile in here. Lots of concrete walls, steel fences, barred windows and angry faces in every direction you look. There are funny things that happen, but you miss the colorful, and all the unexpected surprises of society.
Someone asked what it is like? Imagine locking yourself into your bathroom for 3 days straight. Instead of a bathtub there is a bunk bed. Now think of the most irritating person you avoid. 50% of the time you're with a person whose habits and body functions get on your nerves daily. Then take a TV, place it just outside the door with the volume up, loud enough to be distracting. Tune into the channel that you dislike. That would be either BET or CMT. Most people like one or the other, but not both. The point being, you are bombarded by noise all day even when you don't want to be. The last thing to do in this experiment is set up two alarm clocks to sound every two hours except between 11pm and 4am. Alternate each one, so one if a buzzer and the other is tuned to a talk radio program. It has to sound for at least 15 minutes to 30 minutes. This simulates the constant interruptions and sleep deprivation you experience. By the third day I think you'd have a pretty good idea of what it feels like to be in prison.
May the Christmas holida bring you peace and perhaps, even if only for a short time, the experience and understanding of forgiveness.
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Replies (4)
To answer your question...The first thing that made me smile today was watching my boys (11 & 8) making sandcastles on the beach, occasionally letting the waves of the ocean roll over their legs after they rolled their pants up to their knees. We live in the tropics in North Eastern Australia & it's Spring here at the moment so it became quite hot quite early... & I went looking for some shade while they were busy creating magnificant castles.
The second thing was reading a heart-felt reply to something I posted on another bloggers comment on BtB. It's nice to know you've made someone elses day :)
The Third thing was realising it was my Nana's 90th birthday today. My Uncle posted a photo on Facebook & she looks beautifully happy (she lives in New Zealand)
The fourth thing was reading a message someone left on my phone. My phone converts voice mail to text so the message I received said "You missed a call from a Private Number, who said"___ treatment complex. ____ this call is ____ important ____. To accept this free call press 1. To repeat this free call - This message was provided by Telstra at no charge to you." (I'm thankful for that, because I have NO idea who it was from, or what it was about). That made me smile and shake my head.
And the fifth thing that made me smile today is a childhood friend in New Zealand uploaded a photo to facebook of my brothers and I from 1985 - It's the funniest photo I've seen for a long time! Ok... that didn't just make me smile... I was laughing hysterically.
If I was able to I would have sent you photos of the things I've been talking about. That is something BtB is working on for us.
Thank you for reminding me of all that made me smile today :)
Take care!