April 24, 2014

Ask An Inmate

by Teddy Drake (author's profile)



I know you've all got questions? Why did we do what we did? What could possibly make us commit crimes? Are we sorry for what we have done, how and what would we change if we had it to do all over again? And of course Do we think we can change?

A lot of society believes we are forever doomed never to change and a menace to society unworthy of the time and effort and I agree with most but I also believe some have just make bad choices in life. I won't lie to you and say some don't deserve to be in for life for those who have committed heinous crimes, violent offenders and so forth.

But from what I have seen you have about 15% to 20% with psychological issues ranging from bipolar, depression, and schizophrenia. I'm not a great speller or a doctor, I'm just observant and notice that sometimes the system does not give proper care to those in need and some waste their lives away without help.

I'm not here to complain or ridicule the justice system. Of course there is a lot I don't agree with.

But from sitting here and seeing what I see from day to day I've seen a lot, I've talked a lot also, although I keep a distance because not all talk is positive. There is a lot of negativity.

So I thought of you all out there. My blogs aren't a way for me to vent or complain. I know it's nothing you really care to hear.

My blogs are a way to give back to society and be of help in any way I may.

I know a lot of people have questions about this place, about people in general behind bars.

And if I can be of service, please do not hesitate to write and ask.

Respectfully yours,
Teddy Drake #1599339
938 FM 1673
Snyder, TX 79549


Replies (4) Replies feed

Ajj13 Posted 8 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Hello Teddy. I have read some of your blog posts and they are very interesting. I like seeing these different perspective you have on life. My name is Alyssa and I am asking a few people on the betweenthebars.org some questions for my own research and was wondering if you would answer them if you felt like it. What are ways that some men deal with missing women in prison? Do you think men change not being around women? If so in what ways? How do you think this affects them when they are released? Do you think men become more reserved or dont know how to deal with a womens "touch" when released? ;) I just want to hear your input on this out of curiosity. Speak your mind. I would love to maybe see a blog post about this too. Thank you. Hope to hear back :)

Teddy Drake Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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Teddy Drake Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
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KristalMot Posted 6 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
I love your art. Wish you weren't having so much trouble, you can talk to me, if you want to, about Cedar Creek lake, and our little lake house adventure. ;-)

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