May 1, 2014

Guards Steal From Special Olympic Fund Raiser!

by Donald Tinsley (author's profile)


Guards Steal from Special Olympics Fund Raiser!


Today was a normal day in prison, and then it went all bad. This prison sometimes allows inmates to order real pizza from the streets. Today was pizza delivery day and I watched a Sgt who ran the AM shift literally pull a stong-armed robbery. Under 'color of authority' this Sgt walked from our chow hall where our food sale was held. He left the chow hall holding I would say 3 to 5 large pizzas that inmates paid for from possibly help from loved ones or $ that they worked for in here. The Sgt walked down the stars in front of the whole yard into his office and shut the door. About 15 minutes later 2 of his staff/guards went to the program office, got a pizza, walked across the yard into the building where them 2 and the other building staff heated the stolen pizza up in their microwave and eat lunch. CDCR staff can't eat inmate food sale. 'It's not allowed'. I couldn't believe they took the xtra pizza and passed it out amongst each other. Do you know how much $ these thieves make? They eat steak, lobster etc any time they want and they have the balls to eat our pizza. Inmates fill out pizza forms and like a month later after they take the $ out of our accounts the food is delivered to the prison then staff passes it out to us. This food sale was a special one due to those who had $ to order paid £2 extra to help out the special olympics. How sick are these bastards to eat/steal our pizza and eat it. It made me want to 'throw up'. These are some real cold assholes for that.

If an inmate orders items in a prison food sale and the inmate isn't there to sign for his food, staff obviously eat it. If an inmate gets put in the hole or gets transferred out etc staff take the food. You would think they would give to other inmates or throw it in the trash. Donate it to the homeless, anything. But eat it themselves. It's blatant robbery. Did you know that CDCR staff make what [?] an hour, probably more. Them punk ass bullys had the nerve, the balls to take all the pizza that inmates paid for but wasn't here to pick up and eat it. They didn't even try and hide it can you believe it. Those are inmate food sales not 'cop lunch'. Those wanna be cops that work for CDCR are sickening. These criminals basically said those pizza are mine and I dare you to say anything. They robbed us, bullied us and used the power of the badge, the state to take what they want. They have not only the law, but guns to back up anything they may feel they want to do to inmates. I have 23 years in the CA. prison system, and I've never seen this type of behaviour by staff. It's fucking disgusting. These rich pigs just took our shit. It was is against the law, and they should be prosecuted for it. They will get away with it yes. People on the streets have no clue about how they treat us in here. On Sundays we get a small cup of ice cream with our dinenrs the guards will stand infront of the chow hall and eat ice cream 10 12 at a time and search us and won't let us take out anything. They steal food. Tax payers you people are paying for that ice cream. Plus you pay tgeir wages full med and dental etc.

In the past I have posted a lot of these types of things these guards do to us in here. We all understand that we're cattle in here but when you steal from us while using the badge to justify it, it is fucking unbelievable. It's bad enough I'm being held hostage in here but now you steal from me. What's next, 'waterboarding'. I have 68 years to do I have 20+ in straight and I've seen a lot of evil shit done to us by staff. These sadistic bastards are the real criminals. I just want to do my time and keep my mouth shut mind my own business and show all races and staff with respect but when you watch them steal from convicts I have to talk to someone about it. Should the warden here know about this yes should the director of CDCR know about this no doubt. If I told the captain who runs the yard I'm on would he do anything about it no. I would get into trouble. Get my cell searched cell tore up. Probably put me on a different yard, CDCR are a big 'gang' that backs each other up so what good would it do to tell the captain? Sure, I want to but I can't chance it and that's fucked because I'm no coward. But I'm smart I won't dare bring this up. They would love for me to dare challenge them. Am I pushing it just posting this yes why because anyone in the world can read my blog. Believe me, they read inmates' posts. We have no computer access period. I've never seen the internet. Having my own blog to post letters photos info is all I have. It's my only way of telling anyone out there what these guards/staff do in here to us. The Sgt who ate our pizza today could read this then what would he say?

I will post more later.


I have a life sentence so don't really give a damn, honestly. I'm a good person and I tell it how it is. Anyways I need to apologise to all of my fans out there for not posting anything for so long. :) haha I have been going through a lot of changes this last 12 months and that's why I haven't posted much I'm sorry about this. I'm going to start posting shit this year. I changed my program for the better in the last 12 months. This prison is now single man cell living. It's pretty nice. Staff took all my property last year so I have no TV to watch in my cell anymore CDCR finally allows us to order '15' inch flatscreen TVs but of course they cost $200 and I have no $ to purchase one. I do know a guy in here who had someone order one for him. I went to his cell to look at it it's a '15' color it's really nice maybe someday I can get one. The only family I have left is my brother/sister in law, they live in Hawaii and my beautiful neice who lives in CA she has 2 boys. I won't ask them to order me this TV as much a sI want it. I know $200 isn't much $ on the streets but people work hard for their money and I am no leech. I'll do without before I beg for a TV. People need to pay their own way in this life I believe that. Although I'm behind bars without a way to make $200 for this TV I want. I still don't think its right for me to ask anyone for a free handout. That's the problem with people these days they think that everyone owes them something and that's not me. I may be locked up but I was raised right. I have pride and manners.

Don Tinsley


Replies (2) Replies feed

CindyB Posted 10 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Hey Donnie!
It's Cindy! I'm so sorry I haven't written to you! Matt and I moved into his parents house at the end of March and we've been so busy packing and unpacking. I got the visitation forms and I'll be sending them very soon.
Matts parents are back east now and will be for the whole summer, so we have the place to ourselves. We are saving up for a down payment for a house. It'll be awesome to own out own home!
It's been soo stinking hot here the last couple of days. But I'm sure you know...SLO may even be hotter!
We are dying! Hahahaha.
So, Matt and I talked about it and we decided that it'd be okay of you called.
We obviously just didn't want it to be really expensive.
Anyway, just wanted to send out a quick message to you!
I'll send the visitation forms soon and a letter with my phone number tomorrow.

Talk to you soon!

Donald Tinsley Posted 10 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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