June 11, 2014

Humanitarian Field Works...

by Robert Thrower (author's profile)



humanitarian field work in regions such as southern asia & africa must have a survival & self defense focus, with a focus on building a solidarity network in these regions, that can second as a intelligence network to collect information on the regions threat groups, & any possible collaboration between the regions threat groups & law enforcement & or the military in these regions, in the united states development of military skills & self defense is simpler than many other countries, because arms & ammunition are widely available, fire arms are virtually unobtainable our side the united states, in most other countries fire arms are only obtainable thru a expensive black market, therefore we should use machine tool technology to produce our own weapons in the field, adequate fire arms can be produced using a minimum of tools. we must also focus on ammunition fabrication, we must also have first aid pertaining to traumatic injuries sustained from gun fire & explosives & military grade field communication equipment. americans are familiar with law enforcement swat forces & police task forces from active shooter situations & americans are familiar with the different types of reality survival shows, theses are the types of paramilitary formations, & the types of training that make for effective defense forces, & americans are familiar with the routine disaster drills that take place in american cities. these are the type of exercises that make for efficient defense forces, anti ambuscade (ambush, bush, whack, way lay) drills are effective in making a efficient defensive force. this format is effective in countering civilian militia in regions such as southern asia & africa, the colorado department of corrections allows for prisoner to prisoner correspondence.

robert thrower #47717
centennial corrrectional facility
p.o. box 777
unit f-2-13
canon city, co 81215

post for http://betweenthebars.org/blogs/1491


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tangerine0516 Posted 9 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Robert Thrower Posted 9 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Robert Thrower Posted 9 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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