Oct. 18, 2014

How I Do My Life Sentence

by Donald Tinsley (author's profile)


"How I Do My Life Sentence"

How does a man do a life sentence in prison? I look out my back window everyday and night. Do you want to know what I see? I can see a big electric fence. I watch guards and doctors, prison staff alike, walking from a part of the prison into an area where I see them walk to their cars in the huge parking lot. I watch them open their car doors and then undress. They take off that hot Kevlar vest first, put it in their car, then get in and drive away. I watch them walk and talk and hug each other. They seem very happy. After all, can you imagine how much $ they just made today? It's a real disgrace the amount they make when they do no work my friends. It's called the Fleecing of America.

I have 23 years experience behind these California Prison Walls. I have 20 years in straight. I have a 2055 parole date. How do I do it knowing I can't do that much time, can you? No, of course not, no human could. Should the state of California have had some mercy on me, would it have been better to just take my life? What would you have wanted? I'm a man that hasn't touched a female in 20 years. Lifers are not allowed family visits.

I am 44 years old, I have long hair down to my ass. I have tattoo's from head to toe. I'm healthy as you can ever be. I have been exercising for 23 years. I do pull ups, push ups, you get the idea. I'm a good looking guy. I'm a nice, respectful, well raised man. I have been single all of these years due to having a life sentence.

Am I a bitter lifer? No, I smile and laugh each and every day. I live in a cage the size of a gas station bathroom. It's been that way for 23 years. I have no choice but to be happy. I won't allow they system to break me. They will never see any emotions out of me. Even when they beat me with a billy club and spray pepper spray down my throat. The guards come to my cell, my home, and stand at my door, make me take off all of my clothes, spread my ass cheeks looking for what they call contraband, when really it's on to attempt to degrade me. They get their kicks, I'm sure of it. Homosexual guards are allowed to strip out inmates, how is that legal? They take whatever they want out of my cell. They toss it up with disrespect. Put boot prints on photo's of my deceased loved ones. Spill coffee on the floor, leave my cell like a tornado came through. I have to clean up the mess. It takes a few hours. Legal paper work everywhere, mixed up my court documents that have to get to the judge in a few days. May lose my court battle due to destroyed documents. Do I ask the guard why? Do I talk shit to him? No. If I did then he would just do it again because he can. Remember, I may live in this cage but the tax payers of California own this cage. I just breath in it "really". After all, this disrespect do I show any emotion? Fuck no.

So how would you do your life sentence? Could you do it like me or how do you think you would do it? Do you want to give it a try? I'm sure you don't, besides that, I doubt your man enough let alone tough enough. Do you want to hear the things that have passed me by out there since I have got my life sentence? It might take a few pages to tell you about it. Are you ready? Or would you rather get back to that life that all of you take for granted?

This is how I do my life sentence, I do without. It's day after day of the same ol' bullshit. Guards count me like I'm cattle and look at me like I'm a sicko or a sex offender. Some guards may think I'm a murderer. I'm none of the above.

Here, lets start off without pulling any punches, in other words, lets put it all out there, keep it real. Is that what the kids say these days?

First of all, to the things I've lost out on due to my life sentence. I have never been married. I got two women pregnant, both had miscarriages. I have never had children. I have never had a California drivers license, never owned a car. Never had a ticket of any kind. Quit school in the 10th grade, got my GED in prison. Here is a tough one, I haven't had sex in 20 years. Just sit back and let that sink in. Even more than no sex, I miss loving a woman. Being in love.

I have lost loved ones this last 20 years. My mother died of a stroke in 1995. Stepdad died of grief, that's how much he loved her. He had a massive heart attack a month after he lost his wife, my mom. It was very, very sad.
Both of my aunts, a cousin.

I have 2 older brothers, my middle brother Jerry don't even write or talk to me. He don't care. I have a niece named Cindy. She is beautiful, smart, kind, a wonderful mother. She is my angel. We haven't met yet but we will. She is the best. She has two sons, they are so cute. Her husband is a good man. My brother Levi raised me, him and his wife Robin. They are my parents and they believe in me and are the most important people in the world to me. They never gave up on me. I owe them my life. They can do no wrong in my eyes. I couldn't ask for a better, caring family. It's all I got left!

I thought when I was on the streets I had friends but who wrote letters to me when I got arrested. No one wrote to me. Everyone of them that I ever knew cut me loose. Here it is, 20 years later, two decades people...WOW! "Screw You People". I have a funny feeling someone will take time out and read this and, just maybe, I'll have a friend. Does anyone want to be my friend?

I was just thinking I have been locked up so long that I don't even know how to use a cellphone. Don't know how to turn it on, let alone off. I've missed out on so much.

Would I like to fall in love again? Yeah, who wouldn't? But who wants a lifer? What do I have to offer really? You tell me what perfect ol' man, do to you, will always know where I am at night. Can't have sex so I couldn't cheat, I wouldn't anyway. I would give you a lot of attention, a lot of love. But there's so much that I can't provide due to me being in this cage. Does a female take a chance on getting to know a lifer? I would say yeah. I have known inmates that have wives, kids, etc. with lifers. They make it work. You come visit on the weekends and do whatever it is you do out there. I'm locked up and don't know what my mate does out there. It's all about trust.

I'm 44 and I'm still single. I would never be single out there. There is way too many females out there who are in need of love but they don't know me. All lifers are different. The only difference is that we are not inmates with parole dates. Do I believe I will get my sentence cut in half or reduced to amount of time so that I could go in front of the Board of Prison Terms? The BPT owns me. They say rather I live here forever than allow me another chance. It's a real bitch knowing that the BPT has all the control over my life. Yes, unfortunately the state of CA owns me, I'm state property. Wow I'm a modern day slave.

Check this out, it costs the public, the tax payers, $62,300.00 per year to keep me behind bars. I have over 2 decades in. Do the math, lets see, it's what $1,432,900.00, I have already cost the state 1.5 million. Wow, I didn't realize that. I got to tell you, there's a whole state full of lifers in here who are angry. The state want all lifers to stay in prison forever. It's the truth and it's disgusting.

I have met so many angry lifers, you wouldn't believe it. I keep my mouth shut. I keep my emotions to myself. I have days when I think the state should kill me or allow me to go home to my family, my loved ones. Being a lifer is one of the tough, tough things to endure. My family asks "How do I do it?". Well I think of the love of family and that keeps me strong, I know in my heart that I'm a good person and I'm doing life because of someone else. I will get a parole date someday and when they let me out I will enjoy what is left of my life. My family knows I'm a good, honest, respectful man with morals and respect for everyone. I honestly believe that I'll be allowed to parole to my family. I wish I had an idea of when.

I was talking to my brother on the phone the other day. He was on his way to go snorkeling and taking underwater photo's. He gave me his word that he has a plane ticket to Hawaii for me and I can go live with him. he will give me a job and place to stay. So think about this for a second, I'm a lifer who's brother has a ticket for me to fly to Hawaii. Not just a vacation, I'm going to live in Hawaii. What a cruel, cruel world it is.

It's 11 pm so I'm going to call it a night. I'm glad that I wrote this let tonight. Write more later.


Hello everyone, it's Sept. 27th, 5 pm count. Just cleaned. I guess I'll go to work at 5:30 am. I am a kitchen worker, I'll most likely start my pay at 18 cents per hour. It's slave labor. Just think, I owe $10,00.00 in restitution and the state of CA take 55% of any money sent to me or any money I make working for this state. You do the math, they fuck me. I would rather not have pay. They should give the lame 18 cents pay to an inmate who doesn't have restitution. As if it wasn't enough to give me 68 years to life, they have to give me $10,000.00 restitution. I have been down 20 years and I still owe $8,500.00, something like that. Any how, I'll write and post the results of my kitchen job. I won't like it but I will most likely be the best, hardest man working in the kitchen. So we have two white men working and the rest of them sitting around, getting a free ride as usual.

I always keep it real! Truth hurts my friends!



Replies (5) Replies feed

EricaJM Posted 10 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Your letter spoke to me, I have spent countless hours writing to people doing life in prison. You must always remember your still a human. It doesn't matter that you have missed out on things because your in there. I am 25 and missed out on a hell of a lot, three months of my life i spent hooked up to a machine that kept me alive, it breathed for me and if my heart stopped it started it again for me. When my family stopped coming to see me even though i was in a comma i still noticed the absence of people, they didn't care they made a choice to end my life in the same room i was in. They thought i couldn't hear but i could. i was a prisoner more than you i was stuck in my own body it was painful and it was hell. You still have a chance to live even if its in a cell... never give up hope... you are loved if not by anyone i will love you because you are a human.

Donald Tinsley Posted 10 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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EricaJM Posted 10 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Thanks for your letter! Your words once again moved me almost to tears, putting men in cages for crimes is just not always the answer. Do I think some men belong in cages for their entire life? Hell yes, but not all of them, it gives the idea that you cant be rehabilitated and that your not worth trying to fix. Writing lifers was a hobby for me when I was younger and its been years since I have taken the time to remember you all but with a brother on death row and another on his way there once his verdict gets read I realize that the people behind the walls of Americas prisons are not all bad people. I wonder sometimes how a person on death row or spending life in prison thinks about tomorrow or how they wake up everyday with motivation to do anything. If I was walking in your shoes I would surely be broken beyond repair and unable to cope, I admire your strength to even write me let alone write in this blog. I wonder about you often and what you enjoy and about who you were before a lifer became your MO. I will gladly get the information you need I am just not really sure how to do so... I am going to try to find his post to you and get it sent out as soon as I can. I don't have a lot to offer you but I can offer you a friendship and hope that not every human on the outside thinks of you as an animal. I actually found the letter he sent you I am adding a transcription of it after this message I hope it is the letter you were looking for and I hope it helps, not sure if its the rite thing or not but I hope so.
I hope your doing well and surviving in there, If there is anything else I can do for you let me know!
Keep your head above water,
Love always

EricaJM Posted 10 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 1 month ago     1 Favorite


What's up Dawg? Thanx for the LONG ASS letter! It's good to hear you're doing good there. They're on me like ebola on an African! You know how they do it. They got me for RESIDUE of a Tylenol 3. You know, in a little bottle. It was so petty that the LAB listed the weight as: "Not Available - Residue.". In other words, all that they can actually prove is I was in possession of something that came into contact with something. How lame are they? You know they don't care what they can prove. You're guilty no matter what. AND when I 602'd it they screened it out saying I failed to state facts or some lame shit. My biggest argument is that cell I was in, 3102, was an intake cell with a large turnover rate and they never searched it or even cleared it of all property before I moved in. The DOM says that is absolutely required and shall be recorded. It says it's to "fix responsibility or absence of responsibility for serious contraband found in the cell." (You know I do my homework!) This is in the DOM 52050.16 and the TITLE 15 & 3287(a). But the Lt. says I'M suppose to do a cell search! Ain't that a BITCH? In my appeal I tell them that no where does it say inmates search cells. That is staff's job. I told them that if it's my job then I need to be trained to do cell searches just like the guards and that includes telling me where all the good hiding places are so I can search them! The Lt. knows it's not my job but had to blame it on me so he could justify finding me guilty. Like the need justification! Needless to say I'm on testing...for another year! No visits, no phone They've completely cut me off from all my family, including you, which is a terrible thing for someone's state of mind. It tends to make you stop giving a fuck. I got ANOTHER 115 for tattoo stuff so there's my C/C for 6 months. Last Monday I refused a V/A because I already gave my 4 for this month. That's ANOTHER 115, but that should be easy to beat, at least on appeal. They don't believe in doing the right thing unless they are forced to: Check the TITLE 15 $ 3315(f)(c) on page 144. I have to provide a MINIMUM OF 4 PER MONTH. Not 5. Not 30. And I'm not volunteering for nothing! At this point I have so many pints and I'm on C/C and I can't see or talk to my family anyway so who cares? They can't really do anything to me that hurts me anymore. I have been staying right though (other than that justified refusal) the bottle failed me a couple of times, so I can't trust it.

Everyone always asks about you and if I've heard from you and how you like it there. Bubba went to Quentin, but I hear that they're not letting people like him with heinous 'R's' on their jacket walk the yard. Oh yeah - it's TRUE. That'w why he's been 115 free for 25 years or some crap and STILL can't get a date. Figures.


Donald Tinsley Posted 10 years ago.   Favorite
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