Settle Down
It's time to put the guns down, down, down and down. We supposed to be adults. Whatever happen to communication? Communication is very important. If you don't have communication, it's like your lifeline has been destroyed.
All these killings that are done by police and citizens in our society need to stop. A lot of police officers are too cocky and prideful; feel as though they are police and nobody will hold them accountable for their actions.
The law of the land (police). Some of them get a thrill off of locking so many citizens up per day. Even if they have to create a situation. So a lot of this hostility coming up against the police is because the citizens know they are abusing their authority and are not following the laws of the land themselves.
Many citizens feel like, "Hey, why should i follow the law of the land when I just sold the drugs to them?" and so on. No. That is no excuse to break the law. But these days, you have many law enforcement officers breaking the law than abiding by them. But they suspect the citizens to be perfect. If the law enforcement are not leading by example, how can you suspect the citizens to abide every law?
When law enforcement integrity and morals are corrupt, just like the places of business and Department of Corrections audit so many times a year to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to. There should be some type of investigation with our justice department. The investigators need to go with our justice department. The investigators need to go through every area of that department very carefully. Because there is too much corruption going on.
When they go in to investigate, they need to take on the mindset that some of the law enforcement officers are very clever. These individuals have been covering up for each other for years and decades. That this has drastically taken our justice department in a wrong direction from the foundation from which the foundation has been laid out.
Nobody has paid it any attention. But all of certain something has happened such as many unarmed citizens being killed. Things have become more knowledgeable that there is a problem within our justice department.
As citizens, we have to have more people know how to deal with each situation with adult mannerisms. Each person has a supervisor. But if the supervisor is dishonest themselves, what can you do? Who can you talk to? And where can you go for help?
Currently, I am doing a leadership group. We are doing our study from the book titled The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell. I am in chapter 6, The Law of Solid Ground. This law is talking about trust and how it is the law of solid ground. In our government, trust has went out the window.
Instead of the government making things better in our communities and within our government, the leaders are making things worse by their lack of integrity. What trips me out, most of our problems are within the United States and local government. The leaders, see, what they are doing is not working. Why not change course in a different direction?
Why can't we back each other up in our government by sitting down with other successful leaders who have overcome the same area or barrier you are having problems with? By asking them, "What course did you take to correct these problems?" Instead, government leaders are busy bickering, tearing each other down, and betraying their trust with each other. This has to stop. The government needs to focus on the needs of the people who vote for them to be in that office in the first place.
Government leaders need to ask themselves, "Are we being passive when it comes to important issues, such as unemployment, hungry Americans, homelessness, police shooting unarmed victims and receive no time in jail or prison?" But a citizen can shoot a cop or cops: they get the death penalty. That leads me to question: What is the difference between a cop shooting an unarmed citizen and the citizen who killed the cops? Both of them are wrong. What makes a cop more valuable than a citizen? Both of them are human beings that do not deserve to have their lives taken away. I had to throw this in here because the laws in the United States don't make any sense half of the time.
But I realize that sometimes stereotypes are the basis for the outcome of each situation in America. America wants unity and equal justice in our society. But we have to realize something. There is no unity and equal justice in our United States and local/state governments. This is a true statement from the Bible. If a house be divided against itself than house cannot stand.
We go to get unity and integrity in our government so when lawful things do happen in our communities, we will have a government that will make the right decision in our favor. Right now, our jurors system is so broke, it doesn't make any sense. People who does juror duty need to be mindful that people may not hold them responsible for their decision because they don't know all the underhanded things going on with their duties. But one day, they will have to give account for their decision. When judgment day comes with.
There is a lot of underhanded things that goes in the dark with jurors, DA, and the judges. That is why the correct decision is not coming down to indict these cops for the unarmed victim's death. We got to realize some of these people have been doing dirt for years or decades and been getting away with it.
A lot of these people have been fooling with their bosses, colleagues, or subordinates for many of years or decades. The people around think they don't do no wrong. So when they do something horrific? Okay. They are going to back them because these people are nice and do a lot of kind deeds in the community, not knowing these people have a different side to them around the people just like them or in secret. We need to be careful who we vote into office because people will sell you all kinds of promises.
But when they get into office, all you see is destruction. My personal opinion of our United States government is that everyone who is a government official should be investigated at some point to make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to. Those who have had numerous complaints need to be fired or forced to resign before they bring destruction to that whole department.
We need our government to be in unity and have people in our government with integrity. Because so many people's trust have been violated with police and other governmental officials. Here is where we are with the United States government and local/state government.
The government needs to realize: people will tolerate an honest mistake. But if you ever violate their trust, you will find it very difficult to ever regain their confidence. The government needs to learn how to treat trust as their most precious asset. That is why we have protests going on after these unarmed deaths with the police.
Let's bring the unity and integrity back into our government by getting those people out of the office that do not have the people's best interests at hand. Majority of the government leaders, all they concerned about is power, prestige, and what they want.
Written by
Jennifer Johnson
2025 jan 2
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