Jan. 31, 2015

Comment Response: Blessing T. Shirley

by Leonard Jackson (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Observation thumbnail
(March 22, 2013)


Reply # t7c7

Leonard Jermaine Jackson
P.O.Box 9106
Concord, MS 01742
January 6, 2015

Blessings T. Shirley;

May these thoughts find you vibrating at an elevated state.
First, yes you may use my words, but I am more than just words.
The experiences that I have endured and the circumstances that I suffer are only able to be put into words though a mind that perceives them. Most of my thoughts are not iterated; for who has ears to hear what the spirit says to the churches.
I await the grip of the lions paw to raise me from this shallow grave, so that I may put the capstone on the temple.
“Is there no help for the widows son”
I say these words because so many have given praise to my potential, but none has come to the aid of my cause. Most don’t even know that I stand convicted on a lie that I told which was an act of suicide of a weary soul.
I wasn’t tried by evidence of witness there is actually more evidence that proves that I am innocent than guilty.
So forgive me if I don’t light up over your observation of me. For I have been told how special I was since I was eight years old and sent to Brooklyn College for testing due to my 12.9 reading and 11.1 math scores. But my mother has a drug addiction and we didn’t have a place to call home.
So my chance to become great went obstructed and unnoticed until I’m sitting in prison doing an illegal life sentence. Who was to know that this prison cell would actually be a cacoon, and that I would continue to evolve into a butterfly. Although I’m still unable to spread my wings due to my fetters.
So I say again, yes you may utilize my words, but what about the hand that wrote them, the mouth that spoke them, and the mind where they continue to dwell.


Replies (1) Replies feed

sgelinas87 Posted 10 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. You are a very visual writer...

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