Sept. 20, 2015

How High?

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


by Thimothy J. Muise

Outside my barred window rises the moon,
I wonder how high it is in that deep black?
They taught me this as a child,
but I can no longer remember.

Outside my barred window up comes the sun,
I wonder how hot it is in the azure sky?
My teachers told me in my youth,
but I cannot recall the information.

Outside my barred window flies a hawk,
I wonder if it a redtail or a pigeon?
The lessons I learned in the woods fade,
and I do not recollect the difference.

Outside my barred window is hate and pain,
I know both now too well to wonder.
Not taught this as a kid, but in this hell,
I wish I could forget this nightmare.

by Timothy J. Muise

Lightly it fell from her shoulders,
I have never seen anything so glorious.
My world changed in a flash,
my heart ever more curious.

Softly caressed a murmer breaths,
I am hyper sensitive to her touch.
Dreams reshaped and produced,
never believed I could love that much.


Replies (4) Replies feed

gypsyrose Posted 9 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 3 months ago   Favorite

Timothy J. Muise Posted 9 years ago.   Favorite
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gypsyrose54 Posted 9 years ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years ago   Favorite
It's ok, I had a great Christmas with the whole family at my oldest girls house, I hope you did as well, even where your at. Keep the poems up, here's one for you:


Behind steel bars, he waits
for life to begin once more
Life and the world he left
went forward without him
Yet....he waits
Soon, he will be free
Reborn, to no longer just
exist, but to live...
But for right now....
He waits

Timothy J. Muise Posted 8 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
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