"Ramadi" 5/19/2015
Thanks to Jeff S., Martin S. and May [?] for the $200.00. It was needed and a big help guys. My supplies were 4-months low so I was able to stock up again.
If you have family, friends or loved ones in prison don't let them suffer the humiliation of living in poverty and need. In Illinois the state (badly broke) has taken away all of the work incentives and reduced wages to bare minimum. This just guarantees that anyone (especially young 18-25 year olds) with any gang affiliation will stay in the gang circle for protection, food and company rather then changing their life.
Without supplementing food with store bought protection you become weak and fat on the chow hall food. The gangs get strong and so the weak become victims and targets. It's a vicious cycle rewarding the criminal and punishing the honest.
Heard Ramadi fell to ISIS control. I feel sick-thinking of how many marines died for that city.
In 2-days we have our annual memorial day GrahamVet meeting. We barely had any practice days. Of the 7-days scheduled we only had 2-half days. The rest was lost from lockdowns and shakedowns.
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