Nov. 19, 2015

Conclusion: The Japhetic Nation

by Chris Hall


Conclusion: The Japhetic Nation

This lesson plan should have allowed the student to walk away with

an understanding of four main principles:

1. There are natural identities written in the hearts of men by a

diving author of creation that mankind instinctively identifies

with an that transcend political borders
2. The religious duties and morality of expressing a solidarity

and patriotic love for the members of one's own nation, and

expressing that love through concrete acts
3. The actual identity, character, and origin of the Japhetic

4. The fact that whether or not members of the Japhetic Nation

identify themselves as such or not, there are definite forces at

work in the world that do identify them as such and are openly

hostile to their interests.

The student should understand that there are innate, genetic,

psychological, behavioral, and archetypal qualities about him/her

that make them unique among the nations of the world, and that

there are other members of a global humanity that share these

unique characteristics. The student should understand that he/she

is a part of a larger group that shares a unique history, culture,

and traditional past with each other and that it is desirable to

maintain the existence of this extended family. The student should

realize that members of other nations also share distinctive

characteristics in common with each other, the realization of

which aided the Israelites of antiquity and can aid us of today in

interacting with the other peoples of the world.

The Japhetic Nation was identified by a divine author to the

ancient Israelites as an expanding, bright, and beautiful nation.

God created our nation uniquely to fulfill a purpose in creation

which no other nation could or would fulfill. To allow the enemies

of both God and man to erase and undo that which the Lord, our

God, created is unconscionable. "We must preserve the existence of

our people and a future for White children!"

Questions for Review
*What four main principles were imparted in the lesson plan?
*Who are the members of the Japhetic Nation?
*What qualities did God implant in the Jpahetic Nation when, in

His Providence, He created them?
*Why should we preserve the Japhetic Nation?


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