Feb. 11, 2016

John Q Public

by James Freer


John Q Public
12 02 15
This blog is actually a public service announcement, request. My name is James Freer a inmate at Waupun correctional institution? POBOX 351 Waupun-WI53963-0351
I am tring to contact: the international covenant on Civil and Political Rights court, but after 3 years attempting to contact this court no reply back! This case will set both state wide and national pressolent. I need your help in contacting either or the Brazilian court via either email or fax and also the Russian consulate send this letter to them please!
I seek a sponsor or endorsement to this court. I have proof of corruption in both our state and federal courts. But without public pressure our courts corruption will continue and will not stop aided with the help of both state and federal judge's and the dept of Justice, (assistant attorney generals) Please help us expose these corruptions email or fax as many times as you can to both these embassy's
If you wish contact me here at:
Waupun correctional institution?
POBOX 351 Waupon WI53963-0351

If you wish to complain contact someone else, if you wish to help us expose corruption contact me here at Waupun.

Thank you for your efforts
James Freer

Copy this letter& send too as many embassy's Brazil& Russian repeatedly!

Follow up correspondence next week or two.


Replies (1) Replies feed

bedauntless Posted 8 years, 12 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
It is a shame that it is up till now your post is transcribed by me. Hope it is not too late for the message to spread!

Jinni W

We will print and mail your reply by . Guidelines

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