March 19, 2016

End Sophisticated Racism

by Jennifer Johnson (author's profile)


January 29, 2016

End Sophisticated

In the 1900(s) our African American suffered tremendously from racism. They had to endure hardship's from slavery to lynching. The whites thought that wasn't enough, torches for African American. They created a secret society called [underlined]Ku Klux Klan[/underlined]. This organized society in the south was after the civil war to reassert white supremacy by terrorism. Later on in 1915 a secret fraternal organization of similar intent was founded in Georgia.

The organization Ku Klux Klan spread all over. They burn churches, and lynch African American. This widespread organization would wear long length apparel with their faces covered because they didn't want to be identified. What was our African American doing. They was fighting for our civil rights. Just to name a few Booker T. Washington, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Jane Pittman, Harriet Tubman. They fought for segregation. These individual paid a price for the freedom African American have today. We can eat with a white person; ride buses, go to school with them etc.

In this era we have freedom to be us. There is no more slavery or lynching. But however we do still have Ku Klux Klan very secretly. Why are they real secret more so than ever. Because there is a law that says that they cannot cover their face if they do anything. So they're not doing the things they use to back in the day. Instead a lot Ku Klux Klan holds power within their hands. Many Ku Klux Klan holds office in the government, your police, sheriff, correction office, doctors. Their was two stories in the news that confirm this.

(Nugget: Racism is not always through words but can come through a person deeds.)

Written by Jennifer Johnson

Their was a lot of unarmed shootings of African American in this city. When they did investigation of the police and sheriff department. They found out majority of the department belongs to white supremacist. Then there was three correctional officers who was arrested in Florida that belong to Ku Klux Klan. They wanted a white inmate to help them kill a black inmate. All this happen in 2015.

Truly I had thought we had overcome this racism barrier. Until I encountered racism myself. I moved back to Georgia in 1993. I end up being a single parent who lived on her own. I was living in King West, Apt in place called Banbridge, GA 1994. To make a long story short I am a African Cherokee mixed American. Very friendly and outgoing. I had this elderly white couple moved next door to me. I welcomed them, let them know if you need anything I am here for you. They told me, we are from Alabama. I told them this is my home town. But I was staying in New Jersey, about a week in their stay next door. I had a boyfriend. He was staying with me. These people started to call the police make false reports. When I would ask them why would you do this. Week three they began to call my boyfriend and myself racial slurs. Fourth week - they wrote nigger on clothes belong to us. Immediately I contacted my landlord who was a white lady named Cheryl.

Cheryl took pictures of the clothes line. Cheryl was so mad because she didn't believe in racism. She made my neighbors pack up and move immediately. Cheryl had the police to escort them off her property. My question to the public today: is your name Cheryl do you hate racism? When you see someone of your race being racist, do you stop them or you join in? If you are racist because somebody else in your family was racist, you feel like you need to keep the generational mindset that your granddad or dad had going, etc. People I want you think for a second. Is it really worth it. What kind of gain you get out of tormenting a person because of their race or even from another country, let's go on a rabbit trail I suppose something happen to you. The only person can help you is the color you hate.

If I was racist against a color I get into a situation. The only person who could help me is the color I don't like. I would feel bad that I was against that color or the person from the other country. I personally cannot stand racism. Everybody is special and unique to me. I love everybody. Not everybody is like that. I realize that because I see racism every day behind these prison walls.

Previously I was the only black in the TV room watching the football playoff game. Then a hispanic lady enter the TV room with us. This was her first time coming into the TV room with us to watch sports so she had no clue as to how the white acts. When they're all together, I had learned just watch your game. Don't communicate, because they flow in conversation among themselves. Will immediately double team a person if you say anything to them when they're wrong. So the hispanic lady begin to talk, two of the white girls was sitting by each other, then one of them kick the other one laughing at the hispanic talk. They was making gesture that this lady was slow in her mindset and very ignorant for even saying anything. This very day that the same whites are in this TV room, basically they have dominated this territory. This racism flows out into our dorm and cells. They constantly attacking the blacks in groups. Currently I have a white cell mate. She doesn't look at me. During count she turns her back to me. She won't clean the room I clean seven days a week. Her mind I am her slave. When we have a black officer she passes out the mail. She gets mail or appointment pass, she runs in wash her hand. But if a white one pass her the same thing, she is ok. She hangs around nothing but her color whites. We can go to our warden whomever in staff. But why go to them when some of the officers are prejudice against the opposite color. We have white officers who can't stand blacks. Black officers who can't stand whites. Civilian staff members are the same. How does racism make me feel as a African American mixed with cherokee indian. It makes me feel angry on the inside because it's foolishness. All these people fought for everyone to be equal and bring unity. But we still have the mindset of racism, and put it to work in secret forms. There was 15 slavery states that was legal before the civil war. My question how many of those states still treat black less important because of the mindset blacks was nothing back then. Still is nobody to say I am from Georgia. My county has all white judges, few blacks on the police and sheriff department. When I had my trial I had only one black juror. The only black people in the court room was a couple of witnesses and family. All kinds of things was said to us by the investigator. We was picked on and humiliated. When reported their people stuck by them knowing they wrong. Everybody was white, I've seen a lot of business owned by all whites then when a black try to get in they find every reason not to hire them. In our schools our black children are singled out to be condemn to destruction. My kids has told me story about how the white teachers is single out certain black kids. Embarrassing, saying all kinds of nasty things to them. I remember my daughter wore a sweat suit to school. Some of the whites girls had on the same jumpsuit just a different color. My daughter was sent home. Then oldest son put his book bag down in the locker room, white boy planted a knife in his book bag. My son told them that these white boys had been picking on him. One of them said they planted the knife in the book bag. They school never investigated the white boys. My son got charged sent to juvenile detention center. End up on probation. As I said earlier racism has taken a turn. We have what we called sophisticated racism. Which is still racism. Just being done in a sophisticated way. I've noticed over the pas decade is that there has been some strange things happening in legal system. Majority out black men are being labeled as gang members. Everytime I look Macon, GA paper. This is becoming the norm on the polices and sheriff in this area. I am pretty sure other places I am aware there is a lot of gang activity in the world. But why does the gang members are only black being arrested. Which put a question in my mind. Is there really gang members being arrest or just some troubled minded adults or teenager being linked falsely to a gang. When I see continuous pattern of certain situation, I begin to analyze the situation. Why is all the black supposedly be blunt forcing children. There is rarely that the whites are charged with this charged. If someone who go back as far as decade 1/2 ago read about the cases of blunt force injury to children. If you read the autopsy reports and criminal cases, majority of them sounds the same. Which leads me to say is these cases really true? Majority of these cases was never investigated properly. They was handled in sloppy form. Nobody wants to do their job. It's about send our blacks to prison without properly fighting for them.

I want to flip this conversation for just a little bit. I had a Jamaican lady who was my bunkmate previously. She was very racist towards Americans. But she lives in Atlanta or should I said America. This taught me racism comes in all culture not just with the white and black or black and white. I understand a person from another country can be culture shocked. Are the person interacting with that person from the other country. Could become culture shocked with that person. Because they don't understand the culture of that person. For me, I love learning about different countries, the people and their culture. If I meet a person from another country, I have educated myself so I can understand them better. Anyways this Jamaican lady feel like everyone should be Jamaican. Ok you lived in Jamaica so why didn't you stay if you feel that way. But I've notice that people from other countries can be racist towards American. Americans can be racist towards foreigner. The world can be a beautiful place to live in if people would to love and treat others the way they want to be treated.

I want to talk about this next story because it ties into this subject. I was reading the newspaper today. Georgia Lawmaker wants to preserve confederate monuments, across Georgia, the view from many court houses on other public buildings includes a soldier sculpted in metal or stone, [underlined]some older monuments honors those who owned slaves[/underlined], fought for the confederacy or followed other causes long since condemned or abandoned. [underlined]And there are lawmakers who say it's important that those monuments don't disappear.[/underlined] This keeps monuments from being subjected to political correctness. State rep Timmie Benton, R-Jefferson said of his house bill 50, which says military monuments, including confederate status, cannot be taken down and stored out of the public eye. If they need to be moved for some reason, such as expanding a building, they would need to be set back up in a place of equal prominence.

That is what wrong with our government in Georgia. We have men like Timmie Benton and R-Jefferson who wants to uphold racism in the government. First of all state rep and people of importance suppose to set a positive atmosphere into our communities. So the people wouldn't want to get over into racism. I understand history. That was my favorite subject in school. But some things do not need to visible because it's not something that can help but only hurt people who had to encounter slavery or racism. To say that some older monuments honors those who own slaves. Then these two individual made the statement. And there are lawmakers who say it's important that these monuments don't disappear. This is ridiculous, because no one is trying to promote racism but trying to prevent hate crimes that are result from racism. Military monuments are fine as long as it don't promote racism.

What is sad about this article. These people who make the laws of our land promoting racism. We have to be careful who we vote in our public offices.

I write this because I want people of all race, and gender. Racism is evil. There is nothing good come out of being prejudice against race or gender. We don't have to take this mindset on of being prejudice against another race or gender. Everybody was created uniquely and special. Your race or gender does not define a person. Who is this person is? Defines that person. All this under cover racism, I hope I fully expose it. This is the end of racism.

My desire is for our country and nation become a people of love and unity.

Racism destroys people and lives.

Let's End Racism. [drawing of a smiley face]


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blue432 Posted 8 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Jennifer Johnson Posted 8 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
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