March 23, 2016
From Write or Die by Byron Wilson (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Papyrus Collective 2016 thumbnail
Papyrus Collective 2016
(Feb. 12, 2016)


Reply ID: 446g

I see you're busy @ it w/our transcriptions! :)

Now, I'm wondering about something - if you can verify this for me....because I had sent this post as a "remove & replace" for the PAPYRUS COLLECTIVE group blog homepage. The current 2012 introduction is outdated, so my question is: has that 2012 post been replaced w/THIS post as well?

This PAPCO blog is a priority of mine since I've refocused my attention on bringing PAPCO & WODZ protect to BTB again, accessing & posting material on the PAPCO blog is now impossible for myself and other registered contributors to do. Where as before now, we would only have to print "group ID" word: PAPCO at the top of our post, and that post would be placed on BOTH our group & individual blogs. That's not happening now.

So anyway, I've recently written a letter to Charlie Detar @ BTB about correcting this issue in order for me to get this group blog feature up & running w/some new content & contributors - including OUTSIDE bloggers (like yourself) as part of the PAPCO group. I expect a response soon. I will keep ya'll posted on that and may need your help/involvement too.

I'm glad this is transcribed though! GLO. I've seen some of the other stuff too. Just waiting for the *(RID:) from BTB to come in the mail to get back @ ya.

Write Or Die!

*RID: - reply ID code


Replies (4) Replies feed

meaganbrown2524 Posted 8 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
I'm sorry I can't help you with the PAPCO thing. I've actually never heard of it or seen it. And since I'm extremely bored at my job, I think I'll try looking it up and see what I can find out.


Byron Wilson Posted 8 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
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meaganbrown2524 Posted 8 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 9 months ago   Favorite

Well, you're welcome for me being bored. ;) Not really what someone likes to say about their job but it is what it is, and it lets me do this transcribing for you. Which, in turn, helps me with my typing and I've been learning A LOT too!!

I find it a little humorous that your name is Byron....only because a friend of mine's, husband, has been trying to get me and his friend...Byron, to go out on a date or something. However, he is actually much younger than I am, so, I don't really feel that comfortable with the whole thing. I am used to dating guys who are older than I am. Also, I have friends that have sons, his age, it just doesn't feel right.

Anyways, I did find the PAPCO blog page...I looked around for a couple of minutes but I haven't really had a chance to "snoop" or "dig" into it. Either way, I am glad that you are so passionate about it and have something to do and/or keep your mind going and stimulated. I don't know your history and back story but what I do know is....I am unable to keep my mind busy/occupied for more than 5 mins...everyday and all day, without sitting here...zoning out!! So, good for you!!

Well, I really enjoyed your response to my comment, you are actually the first to do so and it makes me even happier to know that I really am doing all this for "someone", you know?? Well, I hope you take care and as long as you keep posting, I'll keep transcribing. Keep your head up and keep on keeping on....
Best Wishes,

Byron Wilson Posted 8 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
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