April 5, 2016

Nate's News 27 March 2016

From Prometheus Writes! by Nathaniel Lindell (author's profile)


Nate received your letter dated april 35 to WFLK law, unfortunately I am no longer operating WFLK, inc so I can not be of any service to you. Your project sounds very interesting, I wish you the best with it

WAyne Fulleylove-Krause, attorney at Law


Replies (4) Replies feed

JoanSwart Posted 8 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Hello Nate

I have been (silently) following your writings (and musings) for a while now. At last, your request for a dependable (that's me, I think...) person to help you polish and publish your manuscript compelled me to write. I would love to read and become involved with the process. I have already published a few e-books myself and enjoy the process.

I guess it is appropriate now to tell you a little about myself as well. I am a female South African (Caucasian), live in the beautiful city of Cape Town and am a forensic psychologist who lectures and consults in the US. I apologize if it affronts you! Many people don't think very highly of psychologists (to be honest, myself included), but we are not all alike. I try my best to do what I can to correct any injustice that I find and can do something about, which is not often, but any improvement helps, right?

Anyway, Nate, I don't want to make a long story of it as I don't even know whether my message will reach you and if you would be inclined to reply. I will also send a letter to you personally, and, yes, with postage embossed envelopes and legal paper so that you can write back if you wish.

I hope you have a good week and I hope to continue to read many of your writings in the future.

Warm regards,


PS: If you want to and have someone who can send me a note in the meantime, my email address is joan@forensic-psychology.net.

Nicki Posted 8 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Hi Nate,

I haven't written for quite some time but am always amused when your posts pop up in my e-mail. I too was going to offer to transcribe your manuscript for you but I see I'm not your first offer, which is wonderful. I'm really happy to see that your posts are attracting more offers of help from great quality people. I must also say, if I did your transcription for you, I could not accept any payment from your royalties, I believe only you should benefit from your story, although if you were in custody in Australia you would not be able to profit from your crime, (regardless of whether or not it is your own story) however, if you were here, a life sentence would be maximum 15 years and you would also not have to pay your own filing fees or writing materials.

Since I last wrote I have graduated (finally) and am now working with Parolees here in Australia. Our focus is very much on rehabilitation and keeping people out of prison and I'm really enjoying my work. I've had to move from the city to the outback for a full-time position, being a new graduate, but I'm taking advantage of being out here & took my children on a 3000km road trip recently into the Northern Territory to Uluru. It was a magnificent place & I'll send you some photos and indigenous postcards soon that I picked up along the way.

Unfortunately I'm still not able to purchase paper & envelopes for you from Australia (I just checked wiinmatepackage.com again in case they made changes but unfortunately they haven't). Thank you for your entertaining, thought provoking posts. As always your incredible artistic flare just adds another dimension & as I've told you before, I really enjoy the road map you create with links to other places.

I wanted to assure you that out of 7 billion people on the planet, you inspire more people than you know. We're just not always as good as you are at keeping in touch.

Take care & I'll be in touch again soon.


Nathaniel Lindell Posted 8 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
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Nathaniel Lindell Posted 8 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
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