May 2, 2016
From Prison Dad by Robert Pezzeca (author's profile)
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Comment Response
(April 16, 2016)


Reply Id: rfn3

April 26, 2016: 5:00pm: Listening to:

Dear Meagan Brown 2524,

Hi, my step father's last name is Brown, are we related? I'm kiddin'. So who are you? Tell me who Meagan is. I said it earlier, this blog is not supposed to be just about me. I apologize to everyone if I have made it about me but I do have the desire to help people, do some good in my life, so please feel free to just talk. Feel free to comment on what I say, maybe you have your own opinions that you'd like to share? Please don't hesitate. I am not the judgmental 21 year old asshole that I once was. I am in no way perfect but I am a better man than I have ever been, if I have ever really been a man. Just because you turn 18 doesn't mean you're a man. As a reminder to everyone reading, you can go on-line and set up an e-mail account to e-mail me directly if you want to. These response take a little while to reach me and don't get me wrong, I love Between The Bars. They gave me this amazing opportunity and I'm in their debt (and if they are reading, if I can ever be of service, I would like to help). But if anyone wants to contact me by e-mail directly, you can go to:
That should give you all the info you need. I had a wonderful visit with my mom, I wanted to but I didn't cry. It would've killed me inside if I made her cry, she was teary eyed but she did pretty good. I wasted my life in places like this so sadly, mom is used to seeing me in here. But we ate, we laughed, we shared funny stories (about my niece Baby Lucy) and we had a wonderful 2 hours. I miss her so much already but we are hoping for a memorial day weekend visit now.
So what got you reading what I write Meagan? What's you opinion on some of the stuff I say? This cannot be a one sided conversation. If it is, I will bore everyone to death. I don't have any puppy dogs to play with in this prison and some of you's might say for me to stop whining about dogs in jail but let me tell you about it. It changes the prison. Men no longer desire to be in trouble, cold blooded killers show such love and kindness to a tiny little animal. But we are not just helping the prison in here with it, the dogs get trained and go out for more intense training. The dogs eventually end up with war vets, blind, handicapped, elderly, people who truly need them. So this is also a way for a prisoner to do something good for someone else. I for one love dogs. You can probably see photos of me with some of the pups on my Facebook page. But don't leave me a message because it's unlikely I would get it. Anyone can contact me on this blog, through the regular mail or e-mail. Well, I gotta run. Time for dinner. Take care Meagan Brown, I hope to hear from you soon.

God Bless, Ciao.

Robert Pezzeca #DX1148
SCI Dallas
1000 Follies Road
Dallas, PA 18612

**D.O.C. policy is all incoming mail must have a full name and return address or it will not be accepted into the prison.


Replies (2) Replies feed

meaganbrown2524 Posted 8 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago     1 Favorite

I started transcribing these blogs just for something to do while I was bored at work and it has helped me with my typing skills and speed.
Then, when I was transcribing one of your blogs one day, I found it interesting and honest and that's what made me start reading more. You don't just talk about how much you hate it there and hate everyone else. Your happier than a lot of the other people's stuff that I've read and transcribed.
Well, I've got to get going. Time to punch out at work. Although, you will probably get this after the fact, I did write you a letter and I'm dropping it in the mail as soon as I leave work. So, I hope you get that soon and enjoy it.

Take care,

Robert Pezzeca Posted 8 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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