Feb. 1, 2017

Out Of The Box

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


by Timothy J. Muise


I am happy to report that on Friday, January 20, 2017, gulag officials at Norfolk World chose to spring me from the box. Scary Sherry and her $84,000.00 a year decided to crack the biscuit and let the Voice of Exposure out of the can. I immediately met with a wonderful student from Harvard Law School who is representing me at this time in this important Free Speech matter. The figh has only just begun, we are in the ring and it is round one, but we plan on bringing in the "Big Guns" down the road as powerful lawyers are already on the issue. This dog bites and you would figure that the gulag brain trust would learn this by now.
As it has been reported on this blog the gestapo wrote me a disciplinary report on Sunday, January 8, 2017. When I told 'em "I'm seeking counsel.", they backtracked and decided to write a "new" disciplinary report. Both of those D-Reports follow this piece as I love to post DOC documents on the blog. Please give them a read and see for yourself how they do their best to silence the complaints about conditions of confinement and blatant staff misconduct. Our "Free Speech" is slowly eroding their lack of accountability and their day is coming; trust and believe.
Thank you so much to "Annie" and Harvard PLAP for their support and understanding of the issue. They see clearly the importance of the work we do and that sometimes you have to use unorthodox means to effectuate the process. Agitate, disrupt, Resist! It is our right!!


When some of my supporters (a big thank you to all of you) reached out to the gulag and the department of corruption to ask why I was held in "Solitary Confinement" on Category 4 (the least severe) charges?, the gulag Himmler's state, "We don't have solitary confinement in Massachusetts." I must have been dreamin' then as I was locked in a tin can for 23 hours a day, by myself, for two weeks. If that ain't solitary I don't know what is??? These fuckin' consummate liars will say anything and hope folks buy it; we ain't buyin' it you bastards! How can you tell when a gulag official is lying? When their lips are moving! There is no such thing as a "Correctional institution". It is a prison and there ain't no "correcting" going on there. There ain't no such thing as a "Superintendent". It is a warden and there is nothing "super" about them. There ain't no such things as "Correctional Officers"; they are guards, turnkeys, screws, and they sure don't correct. Solitary Confinement exists in Massachusetts. DO NOT believe the liars.

More To Come...

Inmate MUISE, TIMOTHY J Commit No W66927 Location IPS Office
Date 20170105 D-Report No 379424 Institution MCI NORFOLK

Category Offense(s)
4 04-Use of mail or telephone in violation of established regulations

4 11-Violating any departmental rule or regulation, or any other rule, regulation, or condition of an institution or community based program

4 15-Attempting to commit any of the above offenses, making plans to commit any of the above offenses or aiding another person to commit any of the above offenses shall be considered the same as the commission of the offense itself
Description of Offense(s)
On January 5, 2017, at approximately 9:00 a.m., this reporting Officer monitored the Inmate Telephone System and detected suspicious telephone calls originating from the East Field.

It was observed the Inmate Personal Identification Number (I.P.I.N.) of inmate Joseph Pope W42600, was being utilized at approximately 9:05 a.m., to place several telephone calls from the East Field.

Through monitoring of the telephone calls, it was determined inmate Timothy Muise W66927 and Pope utilized Pope's I.P.I.N. to place the elephone calls.

Inmate Telephone Number Lists, Call Detail Record, and downloaded CD of tlelphone calls were secured for evidence purposes and processed as such.

Disciplinary Report Type: Formal
Has Inmate been placed on Awaiting Action Status Yes [X] No []

Referred to DA [] Yes [X] No Referred to DDU [] Yes [X] No

Reporting Staff Benjamin E Starta Date 20170105 Time 11:51

Days off Sun Mon

Shift Flex

Supervisor John P Houle Date 20170105 Time 12:04

Shift Commander Henry M Beckvold Date 20170105 Time 12:29

Disciplinary Officer Matthew S Phelan Date 20170108 Time 07:21

Results ___________
Continuance Length ______ Continuance Date ______ Projected Date _______

Reviewing Authority _______ Date _________ Time _______

Inmate MUISE, TIMOTHY J Commit No W66927 Location IPS Office
Date 20170110 D-Report No 379690 Institution MCI NORFOLK

Category Offense(s)
4 04-Use of mail or telephone in violation of established regulations

4 11-Violating any departmental rule or regulation, or any other rule, regulation, or condition of an institution or community based program

4 15-Attempting to commit any of the above offenses, making plans to commit any of the above offenses or aiding another person to commit any of the above offenses shall be considered the same as the commission of the offense itself
Description of Offense(s)
On January 5, 2017, at approximately 9:15 a.m., this reporting Officer was advised inmates Joseph Pope W42600 and Timothy Muise W66927 were obsered utilizing an inmate telephone located in the East Field. Pope and Muise were observed passing the telephone handset to one another.

This reporting Officer reviewed telephone calls placed from Inmate Telephone #4 which the telephone database displayed as being in use by Pope. While monitoring the telephone call it was detected Pope initiated the telephone call to a radio station which was being broadcasted live. Upon monitoring further, it was detected Pope forwarded use of the telephone to Muise providing access to the live broadcast.

This reporting Officer then accessed a department computer terminal for the purpose of monitoring the radio station live broadcast which both Pope and Muise were heard making statements via the broadcast without any prior approval or authorization from staff.

Due to these actions being a violation of regulations, authorization was obtained to terminate this telephone call.

While continuing to monitor telephone activity, it was observed Pope placed additional telephone calls again connecting to the radio broadcast followed by forwarding access again to Muise. These calls were also terminated.

Recordings of the aforementioned telephone calls were downloaded for evidentiary procedures as well as a Call Detail Report, and Pope's Inmate Calling List.

Pope and Muise were placed in the Special Management Unit on Awaiting Action Status. All proper notifications were made. -E.O.R.-

Disciplinary Report Type: Formal
Has Inmate been placed on Awaiting Action Status Yes [X] No []

Referred to DA [] Yes [X] No Referred to DDU [] Yes [X] No

Reporting Staff Matthew S Toledo Date 20170110 Time 13:32

Days off Sun Sat

Shift IPS

Supervisor John P Houle Date 20170110 Time 14:17

Inmate MUISE, TIMOTHY J Commit No W66927 Location IPS Office
Date 20170110 D-Report No 379690 Institution MCI NORFOLK

Shift Commander John L Ginnetty Date 20170110 Time 15:10

Disciplinary Officer Matthew S Phelan Date 20170111 Time 09:19

Results ___________

Continuance Length ______ Continuance Date ________ Projected Date __________

Reviewing Authority ________ Date ________ Time _______

[Image of a black man and two black boys standing in front of the Massachusetts State House. The boys are holding a banner saying "END SOLITARY"]

Emancipation Initiative's
"Walk For Inclusion"

This is our "End Solitary Confinement" contingent

Imagine these prison bastards try to say Solitary Confinement does not exist? How dare they? They dare because they feel they are above the law.
Our Free Speech will expose them!

Viva Free Speech!!!

Timothy J. Muise, #W66927
MCI Norfolk
PO Box 43
Norfolk, MA 02056


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