April 1, 2017

Importance Of Education

by Daniel Gwynn (author's profile)


Daniel Gwynn Blog Update
Date: 3/21/17
Subject: Importance of Education

In keeping with my New Year's resolution, I've engaged in a paralegal correspondence course since January. I registered with Blackstone Career Institute, a nationally accredited program that'll help me far into my future. The knowledge gained from this program will serve me well as I continue my fight against injustices and possible employment once I'm exonerated of my wrongful conviction. Ever since I was little, all I ever wanted to do was help people.

The curriculum provides ten volumes of study material with a test after each lesson. When I've completed the exam, I send my answer sheet to the school for grading. The school sends my grade via mail. I must complete all thirty-one exams with a passing grade to graduate and receive my certificate.

So far so good. I've completed four exams so far, but only received two grades. The other two are still pending. I've attached two of the letters containing my grades.

The work is hard but very rewarding. I feel a sense of accomplishment. Being in here has made me feel like I have no purpose of future. This course has changed all of that. The course costs $767. I was able to raise the tuition with the help of some good people who believe in me. I thank them for their support.

Well, it's back to the books for me. Education is the key to life, and I want to live.



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Cavak Posted 7 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 10 months ago   Favorite
Congrats on trying to get an education with the help of others. I hope you'll be able to keep learning, even after you finish this course. From one stranger to another, I'm proud of you and I hope you get exonerated too.

Daniel Gwynn Posted 7 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
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