April 22, 2017

Prepare To Receive Outpourings From Heaven!!!

by Lorenso Gomez Jr (author's profile)


April 14, 2017

The wisdom of God is the source for outpourings. As I've read Proverbs 3:1-10
from several translations I now know how I can start pursuing the wisdom of God. I'm
instructed and commanded to not forget His teaching and keep His commands in my heart,
to not let grace and truth leave me--and bind them around my neck; write them on the
tablet of my heart, to trust in ADONAI with all my heart, do not rely on my own under-
standing and in all my ways acknowledge Him, not to be conceited about my own wisdom;
but fear ADONAI, and turn from evil and honor ADONAI with my wealth and with the first-
fruits of all my income.
When I start doing these things that ADONAI has instructed and commanded me to
do then and only then He will add to me many days, years of life, and peace, I'll win
favor and esteem in His sight and of people, He will level my paths, will bring health
to my body and give strength to my bones, my granaries will be filled and my vats will
overflow with new wine.
When I need to see a miracle in my life and/or in the lives of those around me
would be in very strong FAITH to rely on God for everything according to His will He
has for my life and those around me and the outpouring of finances to be able to do
His work in spreading His WORD throughout the world as I put Him first in my everyday
life each day that He provides me and those around me with.
I do have a spirit of expectancy to receive and witness notable miracles and I
can prepare my heart to receive and experience these things by keep on trusting Him
with all my heart and continuing toward righteousness and with my mouth I keep on
making public acknowledgement and continuing towards deliverance. (Romans 10:10) By
trusting, I understand that the universe was created through a spoken WORD of God.
(Hebrews 11:3) Understanding that law of the Spirit of life in union with Messiah
Yahshua has set me free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2) If anyone asks me,
'Why am I doing this?' I will tell them, 'The Lord needs it,' and by the God kind of
faith and faith in both God's WORD and my own words He will send it right away. (Mark
11:3) By declaring I'm a warrior for God and by believing the trust and constantly
swords and my pruning hooks in to spears or you could say, "poorness in to riches and
my sickness in to health. (Joel 3:10)
I can press in to allow the Word to dominate my thinking and the Holy Spirit to
have control over my thoughts. When I draw in to a more intimate relationship with my
heavenly Father, I will see more glorious outpourings of God than I can imagine. I can
press in and prepare for outpourings in the weeks ahead by doing all I can to present
myself to God as someone worth of His approval, as a worker with no need to be
ashamed, because I deal straightforwardly with the Word of the Truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
See, 2016 was a very rough year for me and it left behind many hurts and disapp-
ointments. Now, for me to receive what God has for me in the future, I've got to look
forward. Philippians 3:14 says, "I keep pursuing the goal in order to win the prize..."
So, what I need to leave behind from last year and all other years past to raise my
expectations in 2017 are all word-battles and godless babbling. (2 Timothy 2:14,16)
Sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, anger, exasperation,
meanness, slander and obscene talk and not lying to others. (Colossians 3:5,8-9)


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ashleigh.tain Posted 3 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing and sharing your preachings. I worked on the transcription for your post.

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