Oct. 15, 2017

A New Journey Begins

From While I Breath, I Hope. by Sarai Rose


A New Journey Begins

It is in life's cold brutality, that we are tempered within the searing heat of reality.
That the veils should be removed from our youthful eyes,
And that true self shall be realized.

Every man and woman we've been told is indeed a precious and beautiful star;
And in this I do so firmly believe, as we are but creatures formed from unique and
Magical dust fallen from afar.

Dancing to the musical spheres, these kindred spirits move and sway throughout
The vast galaxy until they gain their personal suit of flesh, a journey taking countless

Death is neither cold nor cruel for those who have been awakened unto the knowledge
Of self; no more to be feared than life itself. (As life may be a gateway unto death,
Likewise Death is indeed a gateway unto life.)

Thus when my journey upon this earth has reached its end, know indeed that in due time
We shall meet again. Shed no tears over this small temple of flesh, invite not sorrow nor
Grief in the wake of my demise; welcome instead warm smiles, and sweet and joyful laughter,
Remembering our bond whether they are maternal, fraternal, or paternal.

From a star was I born: Dust fallen over a millennium ago, rising one day in a temple of flesh;
Known as man. And now reaching that hard-earned goal I ask to be reduced once again to dust, so
that which I truly am, may once again soar ever higher in reunion with brothers and sisters left a
millennium ago in my desire to know the toils of this creature called man.

Offer this body I ask of thee unto those purifying flames; while in those consuming fires, offer up in
my behalf, the sweetest of songs unto "Our Beloved Lady Nuit and her blessed daughter Isis, even
unto that scared, Scarlet Lady Babalon" these most holiest of names.

Scatter mine ashes upon the whispering winds, beneath Ra's watchful eyes, bid me farewell,
And by Ma'at's leave bid me a safe and kind journey—with your kind words and even kinder
heart you've allowed me tranquility as a new journey now begins.



Replies (1) Replies feed

LaurenAT Posted 7 years ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years ago   Favorite
This is dark. As so many of your writings are. I get it and I even feel a lot of it too.
You are my love, light, heart. I need to know that you are aware of my love for you and how deep it truly is.
There are so many more to read and to respond to. So little time.

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