Oct. 15, 2017

Sing Me A Song

From While I Breath, I Hope. by Sarai Rose


Sing Me A Song

Sing me a song,
a song of truth, a ballad of hope,
a melody for the strong.
Sing me a song, one of inspiration, maybe devastation,
a ballad of where it all went

Sing to me of yesterday.
Serenade me ever so smoothly
of all my dreams and how they
faded away.
Sing to me of the butterflies,
their dying screams,
and how the world fell apart
at the seams.

Sing me a song,
a dark chorus of the madman
awakened by his own dreams
of hell's spawn.
His lungs of fire, awake and
screaming at the dawn.

Sing to me of the addict,
a miserable melody in the midst of
his binge,
his every waking hour spent in a prison—
his only savior, a loaded syringe.

Sing me a song,
a dark ballad of your holy fucking cross.
Sing to me of the murder and rape in the name of some creepy god—the melting flesh and
consuming fires.
Salvation in the hands of man—
salvation at too high a cost.
Innocence shattered and destroyed by some
demonic clergy's darkened
and sensual desires.



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LaurenAT Posted 7 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
In response to this, I LOVE YOU

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