Jan. 29, 2018

Personal Journal

by Steve J. Burkett (author's profile)


Personal Journal


I got a celly last Monday 19 years old :) dumb as a
rock, reminds me of my Stevee when he was that age.
He gets excited when he learn something and wants to
run back and tell me about his new found knowledge :)
and I'm thinking to myself yeah, something I've known
for about 50 years :) He's been locked up all of 4 months
and get out in 8 months Sept 28th maybe sooner. He got 2 years with 1/2 time
for stealing a car and running from the police. His girlfriend's
having a baby. I'm thinking were we that dumb at his
age? more than likely. I remember being excited, wowed, about
everything. I was single celled for 14 weeks and let someone
move in with me over the last week because he was going
home on that Monday and having trouble with his celly. I don't
mind helping out [?} for babysitting this kid I want
at least 6 months of single cell status when he paroles :)
They tried to move me down to the lower teir yesterday

16 January

but the trouble maker they have living there refused to
move and I refused to live with him. :) I will be
moving to the bottom teir sometime soon. I have a
bottom bunk lower teir medical. I don't mind moving
down but I'm not going to live with just anyone,
safety concerns so look for a change of cell number
soon. The kid I have for a celly has no ideal what
a running board is :) or studson hat

18 January

Foggy this morning. I can't make out the ad-req building
that's only about a 100 yards away form my window I hope it
clears up by 9 o'clock. We were locked up all day

Personal Journal

yesterday while the cops all when over to 'B' yard and
search a building. I have been reading more lately.
It's not that I haven't wante to read more it's just
that I haven't been able to find anything I wanted to
read. Last week I found some books on the table in
the dayrooms - some MAR Review - a handful of one just
calle Poetry. Read poem down then across
1 someones friend 9 I sit
2 someone knows 10 I breathe
3 someone cares 11 I focus
4 someone close 12 I think
5 tears come 13 I grieve
6 tears go 14 I pain
7 tears flow 15 I cry
8 tears heal 16 I learn Steve Burked 1-18-18

A single word of truth is better to hear than a thousand irrelevant words

20 January

So I woke up Friday iwth another infection in my
left eye - the one that feels like there's glass in the eye
all the time - it hurts - it hurts even more if I try to
open the eye, lucky for me it's swold shut :) I'm
own to see the RN at 10 a.m. Monday. Fast for hear but
than I am high rich (?) medical. I support to be on
Doxycycline (?)yclate for life and when I was taking
them I never had an infection but I haven't seen
the OD for a couple of years. I was seeing him every
six months. Mscript ran out last April and
this is the 4th or 5th infectio I've had sence.

Personal Journey
I've been getting a scxript for 30 day with each infection
but if I was taken them all them time I wouldn't get the
infections. I haven't been able to see the OD because of
overcroning. The courts toll them they had to bring the
pop. down here because of there small medical area so what
do they do build dorms for 1600 more people. I wish
it would rain.

??? In between - if I can post every week someone could say hello,
or tell me to go to hell or screw myself - having a bad day.

Still can't open my left eye without pain :) the news said
is was suppose to rain last night and today, it's
as dry as my beer bucket. Ask me, it's to cold to rain
this morning. I don't eel like walking today anyhow,
I don't feel like doing anythhing except laying down and
closing my eyes. I do need to finish this owboy and house
under the moon painting I'm working on, just need some
touch ups. I told him I would have it Mon. I do need
the money - almost out of coffee and my food box is running
low except for soups :-) I have mentioned how bad the
food is here. Now let me tell you it has gone from
bad to worst :( That's going to be all for this
week my hand starting to (?) up. I'm falling apart
and I'm only 71. What will I feel like at 114 when I
get out? :) Tell me Jeannie I love her. Oh yes if you
have a minute leave me a message.
The one eye broke down old man :-)


Replies (2) Replies feed

tsiftitelli Posted 7 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Hello -- I read your most and transcribed it. It was so heartfelt and can really get a feeling for the challenges you're going through. You also have a sweet sense of humor, and you're very creative. Take care and hang in there! There are people who are paying attention to your writing!

Steve J. Burkett Posted 7 years ago.   Favorite
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