from The Scientology Handbook
1. Read the article "The Basics of Ethics"
2. Essay: The difference between ethics and justice.
W/C ETHICS = the actions an individual takes on himself to correct some conductor situation in which he is involved which is contrary to the ideals and best interests of his group. It is a personal thing. When one is ethical or "has his ethics in", it is by his own determinism and done by himself.
W/C JUSTICE = the action taken on an individual by the group when he fails to take appropriate ethics actions himself.
3. Practical Exercise: 1 - Naturally, when I look in the mirror I see the reflection of my actions, projecting Power in my ennobling Persistence as a Protagonist. 2 - EFFICIENT Managers in this Penological Purgatory: 3 - Including a few prisoners who are able to maintain their integrity, despite DB ingrates. 4 - The few pen-pals who actually duplicate intention of comm. 5 - True Group Members who contribute responsibility and insists other group members do the same, summed up in my favorite rally motto: I've upped my standard - up yours!
vis-a-vis: 1 - Chameleon Parasite - CRIMINALS, who gain via deception. 2 - Inefficient tyrants who dominate others. 3 - Including prisoners who spread that DB disease. 4 - Many, many comm-starved people succumb to sad effect, for much the same reason as 5 - Group Members who rely upon Suppressive Reasonableness.
4. Read the article "Conditions: States of Operation".
5. Essay: A "Condition" in this instance is: One of the states of operation or existence which an organization; its parts or an individual passes through.
6. Essay: A "Conditions Formula" has an exact sequence of steps to move one from the current condition to another higher and more survival condition.
7. Read the article "The Measurement of Survival: Statistics".
8. Essay: Statistics measure survival as compared to the same type of statistic earlier. Statistics are always worse than, the same as or better than they were at an earlier period.
9. Read the article "Statistics - What They Are"
10. Read the article "Reading Statistics"
11. Read the article "Statistic Trends, Stat Interpretation"
12. Practical Exercise: Pre/Post - SPO - Theta/Entheta Ratio = Product
[two grids with line charts labelled 2013 and 2018]
Chronic - Condition of Enemy
(Glee of Insanity)
R revived with TR-10
12.25.13 Condition of Confusion
Normal Condition
Maintaining SPO Chapel Space
EE Sponsored Ext. Crs. Completions
13. Read the article "The Conditions Formulas"
14. Practical Exercise: Non Existence is where I'm at with my new sinecure Post. Danger would apply to SPO Chapel-Time consistently cancelled. Emergency applies to SPO re-organized as an Ext. Crs. mill, permitting requisite Promotion campaign to arrive in Normal. Looking around this DB penal colony all I see is slavery. And it's spreading into Affluence via contamination of aberration! An Affluent Criminal Justice System applies the Affluence Formula #4 to arrive at a condition of Power. A formidable adversary - especially now that the Psych Industry has usurped control as a sort of State Religion.
15. Essay: Every new appointee to a post begins in Non-Existence. Whether obtained by new appointment, promotion or demotion.
16. Read the article "Completing Conditions Formulas".
17. Essay: One completes the formula he has begun. Completing a formula is vital. The ethics conditions formulas flow, one to the next, with the first step of one formula directly following the final step of the previous formula.
18. Read the article "Conditions Below Non-Existence".
19. Practical Exercise: Most everyone killing Time in Prison is in the Condition of Confusion, with no actual production of anything other than useless activity with no purpose.
20. Read the article "Conditions Application".
21. Practical Exercise: My new sinecure post as a Special Purchase Order Clerk makes me a Public Servant who must be available to answer questions and provide forms for Special Purchase orders. This "sinecure" post has not functioned as such for far too long - and consequently dropped into a cond of confusion. Therefore I must apply the Expanded Non-E Formula #1, 2, 3 (see Memo 9.22.18) in order to make others aware where we are - in this SP/PTS/DB environment. Addressing the Treason cond. of previous posts, declare intention to remedy cond. of Enemy. Confronting cond. of Doubt, determine the greatest good and do everything possible to make up the damage done by personal contributions in order for the Custody staff to accept the Responsibility involved with this post and permit it out of Liability and into Non E. wherein Expanded Non-E, proceed to follow #4, 5, 6, 7, 8. When Danger cond. presents opportunity threatening Post, handle the situation and follow First Dynamic Danger Formula, and enter into cond. of Emergency and expand and Produce per Expanded Non E. #7. Finally achieving the cond. of Normal Operation of sinecure post, providing answers and forms to the general population whenever they request such - otherwise I'm free to Be me and Do what I do to maintain ARC with the environment (Havingness).
22. Practical Exercise: One of my Scn. students suddenly became disinterested in his studies, his other groups, his job, etc. When I finally caught him alone, I inquired: "What did you do?!" Apparently the recent reunion with his adult progeny had suddenly disconnected. "What causes blows" I'd asked - for him to identify the overt involved in his non-e formula. This consideration naturally prompted the EP this comm intended, and then I proceeded to explain the condition formulas both above and below the non-e cond. for him to consider which applies. But in either case I explained Axiom 38. The ARC break he had become trapped by was now understood - and with renewed admiration of aptitude, he was determined to apply himself to study Scn. Tech. to better his conditions of existence along the eight dynamics.
23. Final Essay: Life is a game consisting of Freedoms, Barriers and Purposes. Understanding Ethics Conditions permits one to navigate toward higher survival conditions of existence, as well as help others do the same.
Course Results: The benefit of demonstrating aptitude on paper is that it builds confidence to apply practical Knowledge, Responsibility and Control: ARC = KRC in my zone of influence, The Supreme Test.
Yes, I authorize all or part of this work product to be published.
W. Goehler 9.22
The confusion or inability to grasp or learn new material is because a person goes past a word that was not understood. The confusion comes AFTER a word that the person did not have defined. Therefore, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. A good Dictionary is most advantageous!
Words often have several meanings. The definitions used here only give the meaning that the word has as it is used in these ( ) references.
(3.2) DB: Degraded Beings instinctively resent and seek to obstruct any person in charge of anything or any Big Being, as they have been painfully indoctrinated with violent measures in the past.
(3.4) SAD EFFECT: A state of great sadness, apathy, misery and desire for suicide and death. When an ARC break is permitted to continue too long and remains in restimulation a person goes into a sad effect, which is to say they become sad and mournful, usually without knowing what is causing it.
(3.5) Suppressive Reasonableness: Reasonableness is suppressive since it lets oppression continue without action being taken. Suppressive Reasonableness is a common trait. it comes from the inability to confront evil (that which inhibits or brings motion contrary to the survival motives of organisms: Those things which tend to limit the dynamic thrust of the individual, his family, his group, his race, or life in general).
(12) SPO: Scientology Prison Outreach
(12) GLEE OF INSANITY: a specialized case of irresponsibility. When one cannot be killed and yet can be punished - the glee of insanity demonstrates that one is no longer capable of force or action and cannot possibly harm others as he lacks any further rationality.
(12) Ext. Crs. = Extension Course, consists of a textbook and a series of lessons. The extension course should give the student a passing knowledge of Scientology terminology, phenomena and parts.
(14) RELIGION: (from Latin - religio: supernatural constraint, from religare: to restrain) 3. archaic: scrupulous conformity. 4. a cause, principle, or system of beliefs.
(21) SP: SUPPRESSIVE PERSON, a person with certain anti-social behavior characteristics and who suppresses other people in their vicinity, and those other people become PTS.
PTS: POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, a person who "roller-coasters", i.e., gets better then worse. This occurs only when somebody who is connected to a suppressive person or group - who is invalidating him, his beingness, his life - remains unhandled.
(22) EP: END PHENOMENA, those indicators (cognitions) which show that a progress (consideration) is ended.
(22) ARC BREAK, an incomplete cycle of some kind or another. It's a sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality or communication with someone or something. It's called an ARC break instead of an upset, because, if one discovers which of the three points of understanding have been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in the person's state of mind.
(22) TRAP: one is trapped by those things to which he will not grant havingness (ARC). All a trap is, is being inside something, interiorized - fear of loss of control and drops in havingness.
(22) Scn. Tech: SCIENTOLOGY TECHNOLOGY: application of the precise scientific processes of Scientology.
(22) Ax. 38: Scn. Axiom #38: Stupidity is the unknownness of consideration. Truth is the exact consideration. Thus failure to discover truth brings about stupidity. Thus we see that the discovery of truth would bring about an as-isness. Lying becomes alter-isness, becomes stupidity. Anything which persists must avoid as-isness. Thus, anything, to persist, must contain a lie.
Date: 9.22.18
To: A-Fac. Custody Staff, 2nd Watch
From: L/M Goehler, #K77832
Subject: Special Purchase Order clerk
It is my intention to actually perform the duty of my job-assignment - during working hours.
I am able to help develop a new paradigm for this all too often mismanaged clerk job, making it much less prone to criminal maleficence.
For instance, once it becomes established that the Special Purchase Order (SPO) clerk has all the information available regarding SPO items and property regulations, the clerk may be approached for help during work hours, rather than the clerk roaming from building to building at all hours, as it has been done in the past.
As indicated on the Ethics report on the reverse side of this memo, I am able to create the incentive toward developing a better environment here at A-Facility. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service, and prove to the Parole Board that I CAN function as an asset in my community. I also understand the benefit of a sinecure post permits me to continue programming as a model-prisoner here. And I appreciate that.
W. Goehler
SPO clerk
10 March 2017
TO: Ethics Section
FROM: Joe Riley, Sea Org member Pacifica Base
Mr. William Goehler
I have personal knowledge of the following:
Through his actions to help others; Mr. William Goehler, currently residing at Mule Creek State Prison, has helped dozens of inmates to improve their lives through the study and use of the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology. In the past, he was responsible for getting dozens of inmates onto extension courses of Dianetics and Scientology, and thus changing their lives. In the present, he has formed a group and has been getting inmates Dianetics and Scientology; including The Way to Happiness. This has resulted in dozens of success stories and changed lives. Recently, one such individual was released from a California State Prison after being in prison for 22 years and credits Scientology and Mr. Goehler with helping him change his life, get off drugs, get others off drugs and to be released from prison and start to lead a productive life and is currently on lines at an Ideal Organization of the Church of Scientology. Mr. Goehler was responsible for this and started this individual studying Scientology about two years ago.
Another person from Mr. Goehler's group, had been released over a year ago and the first thing he did was to visit a Church of Scientology and was reportedly still doing well.
Mr. Goehler helped to found a Scientology study group in prison which is called Scientology Prison Outreach (SPO); which continues to grow at Mule Creek State Prison.
This is true,
Joe Riley
Sea Organization
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