Oct. 16, 2018

Comment response

by Eric Wilkes (author's profile)
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Comment response
(Sept. 12, 2018)



Dear DeeVoted,

First & foremost, don't ever think for one second that your questions or comments are not good enough for me to take the time to respond to. Many times these things just take a while. I'm not sure exactly what date you sent your first message, but I received it in the mail on 8-22-18. Then it took me 7 days to put my reply in the mailbox. I'll admit, I can't just come up with a letter in one day. On top of that, I was having to question some guys about special diets, and waiting for another guy who told me he could get me a copy of the menu. Then, when he wasn't coming through, I thought to myself that maybe I would just leave that section out and see if you were ever even going to write back anyway. I've had that happen a number of times, where someone who sounds like they want to keep in touch never even answers my first reply letter. That's why you'll notice I haven't answered a few of the people who sent me messages; to me it appears that they just wanted to leave a friendly comment and not be bothered.

So I answered you on 8-29-18, but it didn't reach your screen until 9-12-18. (Take into consideration they have over 2,000 prisoners to deal with this in this program). So as we see, there is going to be a substantial amount of time between our messages. (+/- 20 days). However, you can always expect a voila. :-)

Well, the month of September was a bit of a busy one. On the 1st, we received the computer tablets we ordered. So I have had to do a bunch of learning as to how these things operate. It offers all kinds of interesting features, except the Internet. I CAN send & receive e-mails though. Then there was the hectic completing of classes, which brought about the graduation ceremony on the 21st. On the 22nd my folks & brother came to see me. (I don't know. I think they love me or something. Go figure.) Then on the 23rd I had to turn 49. Happy birthday to you too! How old did you turn? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Then on the 26th I got moved into a different dorm, due to graduating. And throughout all of these events, I have been busy designing & drawing a special style of maze for the psych doctor here. It is designed in accordance with the live cat/dead cat experiment (1935) by Erwin Schrodinger regarding quantum mechanics. He's going to make a bunch of copies so he can conduct an experiment of his own.

Believe it or not, I was very disappointed in your answer regarding

[page missing]

course brings about the question, why have I lost 10 pounds? I was getting some regular check up thing about 2 or 3 weeks ago & was told to get on the scale. Your guess is as good as mine. While in prison, my weight has fluctuated between 130 and 155. It depends mostly upon location.

I'm glad you appreciate my humorous side. I am a true believer in laughter is the best medicine. So much so that I have a special manilla envelope that is full of all kinds of jokes, amusing short stories, funny pictures, things I've found from God knows where, and things that other guys have received from their families & were actually going to throw them away. :-( Here's an example of one: It's a picture of some silly looking cartoon lady with the quote underneath, "I got a new stick deodorant today. The instructions said: Remove cap and push up bottom. I can barely walk, but whenever I fart, the room smells lovely." (Ha ha) Or how about this message? And God promised Man that good & obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the Earth round... and laughed and laughed and laughed... I don't know, maybe I just haven't grown up yet.

Good luck on the mazes. (There are 2 of them) They aren't as difficult as they appear to be. So just relax.

Okay, now to finally answer your question regarding prison diets. There are numerous diets available to us, not only for health related issues, but for religious ones as well. I have not been able to find a partaker of each kind, but I'm sure their titles will give you a roundabout idea as to their purpose. The 2 weeks of menu I sent with this message are from the 3000 calorie diet, shared by the vast majority of the prison system. We go in 4 week cycles, but seeing 2 of them will pretty much cover everything. If you take a look at the bottom of each day, you'll see the alternative I spoke of before. Basically, if you ask for an alternate tray you get what's at the bottom in place of the regular tray's entree. (Ex. peanut butter sandwich in place of chicken/shredded cheese in place of sausage).

The next closest thing seems to be the 2600 Diabetic Diet. This is pretty much the same thing, but apple sauce takes the place of the desserts. Also, they get a peanut butter sandwich to take back to the dorm with their meal.

The most interesting is the RDP diet. (Religious Diet Program) It is mainly wrapped around the whole concept of trying to be as kosher as possible while here in prison. Granted, you don't have a priest serving the meals, but everything is served in separate Styrofoam cups with lids & sandwich bags. Then it's put in a brown paper bag along with a paper plate. The entree is a pack of sardines, mackerel, or peanut butter. (Like they sell in the canteen). Then your side dishes are beans, cabbage, bread, carrot coins, and tomatoes, along with little packs of jelly or crackers. (Depending on what day it is). At first it can look a bit enticing. However, after seeing those same 3 meals throughout the weeks, I would think it would get a bit monotonous.

The rest that I've only heard of are: low sodium, protein, and fat intolerant. So I'm sure your question of lactose intolerance would be covered.

Well, I suppose I should let you go for a while (+/- 20 days). Be sure to keep yourself busy with different things (except a different blog to visit), and I will be highly anticipating your next message.


P.S. I would just like to apologize for my sloppy handwriting. My good pen ran out of ink while doing the doctor's maze, and the dorm I'm in now is missing the nice desk I had. I've got some other good excuses too, but let's just go with those 2 for right now.



Replies (7) Replies feed

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Dear Eric :)

I received this post on October 16th/18 ... pretty much as expected. And I see that you wrote 4 pages, however page 2 is missing! Gasps! And it was right after you said "Believe it or not, I was very disappointed in your answer regarding" ... then no page 2!!

Page 3 and 4 were there and lovingly written with your good humour as always. Thank you. I want you to know that I'm not blog cheating on you (haha) You are the only one! I swear it!! As well, no menu's attached but it's okay.

You did have a very busy September and Happy Birthday Wishes to you! And thank you for mine. I'm a bit older than you are , but closer to 50 than 60 if that suffices (haha)

Again congratulations on your graduation and I hope the move to the new dorm has been a good move for you. I hope the guys are good to you.

So I didn't really get a good picture on the food, so forget about getting meal plans etc ... Just focus on what YOU get perhaps, any trading that goes on, what kinds of things are most liked/disliked. Is it a lot of processed things, or do they supply you with fresh things as well (I hope they do) -- I'm fascinated with the fact (in a previous post) about your arm crossing over the corner of a tray. You get what I mean? Pretty interested in what can be made from the canteen food too!!

As for myself, being Canadian ... the leaves are falling , almost all fallen now, the trees bare. It's snowed once then melted but cold enough to pull out winter outerwear. September and this first half of October has been 10/10 stress but a good talk with those close to me has cleared up that mess so I'm down to a doable 1/10 for now. Work goes on. Same ole same ole. Babies babies and more babies. I'd officially like to say to all "Stop what your doing for a few months PLEASE" (we know that won't happen but at least I might have a few easy months at work!)

I continue to choose a new recipe and tried a delicious crock pot jambalaya the other day. It was delicious and while eating, I savoured a few spices on my tongue for you and blew you a kiss. (the best way to send flavour though the air!!) Not sure if you tasted it, but you were in my thoughts.

I have restarted the maze! (haha) My highlighter dried out - was old to begin with, so when my tension headache is gone I'll start again and try not to make it so complicated! Is it cheating if I start at the end of it? Would the results be the same?

I'd LOVE a copy of the maze your working on for that study! (if you're allowed to share that - and if not that's okay too)

I'm coming down from horrendous stress so will close this letter today as page 1. But I'm sure more will be sent your way prior to the October 22nd deadline for this week.

Your writing is NEVER sloppy, trust me! I understand each and every innuendo as if you're speaking it to me in person. Writing sometimes a person can lose the intonation of the voice etc etc and it can get misunderstood , but I understand you! DEE

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Page 2 from Dee cont'd ....

Same day, different hour, better mood. You got a tablet!!!! YAY! You can send and receive emails too? That would be amazing! (if that would be something you're interested in doing with yours truly)

I have an old tablet which is outdated now, so my trusty laptop or my phone does the trick.

I've been through several blog posts again. See? No blog cheating! All I read was yours! And I did come upon your crime. I knew it had to be serious for you to be there for life. I wasn't looking for it and never intended to want to know what you did, but I found it and read it. You made a mistake. You're paying the price for that mistake and I'm sure you live with it daily. Enough said about that. I don't think any less of you Eric. Onto better things I say ....

I love the fact that you keep funny things you find laying about. If we emailed I could certainly send you some funny things! (I think ? I suppose it depends on what you can receive on your email account)

So besides the food/diets, the other thing I have an interest in (being in the medical field) is your health care. Is it good? Is it timely?

I don't really care to keep reminding you that you're in prison so these first few months are a "getting it out of the way" period of curiosity on my part. After that, it's all about you. Or me. Or you :)

Until I write a page 3,


DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Page 3 from Yours Truly Dee,

It's October 19th now, and honest to God it's 16 C outside today! Unheard of for this time of year. It truly is beautiful with all of the fall colours. I suppose that is one benefit to living where the seasons change.

I do plan on a trip to Mexico this winter for a week. So that is something to look forward to. Is there anything you are looking forward to? I think even though however small or large it may be, a person should always have something to look forward to.

I hope you're enjoying your tablet! How is that going? Can you play games on it? Can you see your blog posts? I suppose not if you don't have internet. I'm just wondering if you don't have internet, how you would send/receive emails.

I'll close today with a simple joke -- 3 pieces of string walk into a bar. The first walks up to the bartender and orders an ice cold beer but is denied. The bartender says "Sorry we don't serve string". The 2nd does the same and of course is denied. While the 2nd is in the process of being told "We don't serve string" the third is dancing wildly, swinging his head around madly, totally acting like a goofball. Contorting his body this way and that. He is frazzled, but takes a deep breath and walks up to the bar and asks for a beer. The bartender starts to speak "We don't serve ...." and this piece of string guy simply cuts in and says "I'm a frayed knot"

Hugs & My thoughts are with you, Dee

(there may or may not be a page 4 - I have to work all weekend) So I do hope to hear from you soon. And perhaps you can find out where page 2 went from your last post. It's bothering me that you're disappointed about something I said or answered.

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Page 4- from Dee (October 20th, 2018)

They posted the 2 week menu!! Wow, the writing is so small, so I had a quick gander but will print it off and dig out some reading glasses I have laying around somewhere. It seems you get a LOT of bread!! It does seem pretty varied, but the portions ... I can't make out if it's 1/2 or 1/4 cup rice. One chicken leg? That hardly seems adequate to fill a man but I suppose adding the 2 pieces of bread would be a filler. I can certainly see not much flavour there. But , all things considered, it still seems better than the hospital food that gets served up here!

Still no page 2 from your own writing so I'm missing an entire page of important things I think.

I do hope your weekend is eventful .. or uneventful ... whichever is best for you! I'm on my way to work shortly so I don't have a lot of time to write at the moment. It's cold out today and there is snow on the ground. (curses under my breath)

I'll close with this.... "Remember me for who I am, Not what I've done"

Yours, Dee

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Hi Eric!

It's the USA Black Friday as I write this and I wanted to wish/hope your Thanksgiving weekend is good for you! I hope they feed you something special!!

I still await a response from my last letters/responses, so will wait until I've heard from you before I write a lengthy letter again. Thinking of you.

Hugs from Dee

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Dear Eric,

It's Tuesday December 4th and I'm starting to be a little bit worried about you! I was sort of expecting a response on Nov. 20th or thereabouts.
I do hope all is well. Know that I'm thinking of you and look forward to hearing any news you have to share.

If I've not heard from you by next Monday, which is when your posts get posted ... I'll write all mine and send some Holiday cheer your way.


Eric Wilkes Posted 6 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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