Sept. 12, 2018

Comment response

by Eric Wilkes (author's profile)


Dear DeeVoted, 8-29-18

First let me say thanks for the interesting letter. You certainly touched on a number of different issues. I figure the easiest way to reply to it all is to just make comments on certain things as I read through it. Okay here we go.
The meticulous printing came from my father, and I am sometimes able to see it as a hustle here in prison.
Funny & insightful writing is something that I've loved to do since high school. If you don't mind me asking, (and please be honest) do a number of my writings portray me as being conceited?
Thanks for mentioning where you're from. It makes things more interesting.
As far as the 3 B's goes, I'm pretty sure you can come out from under your desk, considering some of the things I've written. What's so crazy is some people actually like it. (Ha Ha)
I'm sorry to hear about your apparent prison life. (I'll get ot that lateR) You are also very wise in interpreting that I'm like a free person who is living locked up. It has taken a bit of work in the thought realm, accepting this & that. However, I have learned to just look at all of this as an early retirement: 3 meals a day, place to sleep, clothes on my back, and medial need taken care of.
You seem to have something in common with another one of my full-time visitors; you both have an interest in prison reality shows. I don't know if yo can tune in on the show he has been watching. It's called "60 Days In." Look back around 2-1-18 and you'll see the details on it.
Okay, now we've reached the part I said I would get back to. (Believe it or not that does make sense.) Naturally, I can't sit here and say, "Oh yeah, I know what you're going through", because we're all different. However, seeing that your feeling like a person who is living where I am, I think I can at least throw out some ideas that might be helpful. First of all, I've done a lot of reading in this area, so this isn't all just some opinion of a prisoner. My first word of warning to you is RUT: a fixed, usually boring routine. It's a simple word, but if you allow yourself to get into one it can have some really negative effects. After over 16 years in prison, I realized I was falling into one. Basically, the only highlights in here were visits and receiving letters on my blog. So I got involved in a program that has various classes you take, that are redesigned to especially help prisoners who are wanting to make a change for when they get back out. Granted, one of it really applies to me. (If you remember I'm not typical prison material.) However, by getting involved in other things and keeping myself busy, I have truly been able to work myself out of the rut I was in. Doing things like redesigning my profile page, buying a book on sign language and teaching myself, coming up with some new ideas for some mazes & drawing them, and yes the thought has really been nagging at me to even write a book. So as you can see, I've pretty much been able to get things turned around. Of all the 15 classes I took, (I'm graduating this semester) there was one that has really helped me. The reason I'm bringing it up is due to our similarity regarding the fact of not having many "true friends", but also not having any enemies. The class had a textbook entitled: "How To Win Friends & Influence People." By Dale Carnegie. Granted, I'm not wanting a lot of friends in this place. However, I at least want to get along, and I certainly don't want any enemies. Then there is the art of influencing people, of which I am already starting to notice some abilities. I enjoyed that book so much, I got my own copy. And while reading it for the 2nd time, I've been highlighting certain points of interest. The book was written back in 1936 and has been updated twice. I... oh yes. I just got my hands on a new pen. See the difference? Anyway, as I was about to say. I highly recommend it, (the book not the pen.) because it has truly helped me in getting out of my rut. I've even noticed how much more... (I'll go ahead & use this word. Just don't tell anyone I said it.) Cheery I am on the telephone with my folks & grandmother. If my opinion is not quite good enough, then elt's look back a few months & you'll see a message eI received from a gentleman who said, "I like Dale Carnegie's book too -- important lessons to be learned there."

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Replies (8) Replies feed

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Dear Eric,

I almost thought perhaps my questions weren't good enough for you to respond to and while I was thinking that, I read through approx. 70% of your posts. Then voila, you wrote! Awww , Thank you :)
Not once in all of your writings did I ever feel or think you were conceited. You asked, I answered. Not once. I've not met you, but with your writings you are seemingly very much like a dear uncle of mine. He's very artistic, has a positive attitude and is super funny!
I'll certainly look into the show "60 days In" !! As for the book you mentioned, I've seen you write about it with the Musicologist but really didn't know what it was all about. I'll be scouting out Amazon shortly to have a look!
You hit the nail on the head when you said "Rut". That is exactly what it is and I just didn't know the word to use. Summer is over in Canada, the leaves are changing and really it is truly beautiful. However, I know what comes after that beauty. Six harsh, cruel months of "the deep freeze where the air hurts your face". If I wasn't tied to family , I might consider moving somewhere tropical , or a least sunny and warm all of the time.
Funny you should mention a "Cook BOOK". It was my birthday on the 17th and my daughters bought me one! And I've already tried out a few which have turned out great! It's a slow cooker book, so you just throw it all in and let it cook all day. Some of the spices are new to me but it's DIFFERENT! Yes, I've thought of you many times as I've chopped and prepped food in the kitchen and hope they are serving you something with the flavours you so desire.
Just so you are aware, I don't think of your writings as coming from a prisoner. I just enjoy the correspondence from a person who writes well, has humour and can laugh. Yes Yes Yes, you get on that book! I suggest starting my simply putting all of your blog posts in it, and then going from there! I'd buy it!!
Congratulations on your Graduation!! I do think I just might hunt out my community for something "new" to do. Something that will get me out of the house. As you know, I am a nurse, and my inner soul has always been to help those who "need" me. (which is why I am still working)! So I perhaps might scout out somewhere that needs me. We'll see, I'll let you know! For now, I'm quite happy with my exchanges with you Eric.
Thank you so much for the date hint for the maze!! I found it , and I'm looking at it and thinking I'd better print off a few!! It's intense, but so precisely done! I can't wait to do it and I do have a variety of highlighters to use! I'll let you know how that goes.
(love the new pen! You writer is very much clearer! If that's possible? It always was very clear and meticulously written)

I look very forward to a week or two of meals in prison, in detail! But as well if you can add perhaps snacks or items you might make using ingredients from the canteen, that would be great too!
Take care Eric, <3 Deevoted

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Part 2 from DeeVoted

Eric, they limit us in space and characters when we write so I'll start here with a part 2 from my previous letter. The last was written on September 17th or 18th and it's now September 30th. So tomorrow (October 1st) they will be printing and mailing my replies to you.

I've not yet looked into the book , however I plan to. Life has been busy with work and family. My brother who is 9 years younger than I (he's in his late 30's had a pacemaker put in so life's rough and busy at the moment.

I copied off 7 of your mazes. (Thank you for the date clue ... I never would have found it) - so far, well I'm not finished one yet and I think I need glasses! I never seem to make a wrong turn and it fills up so I'll continue until I've made an obvious mistake! Intense! Well done! Loving it Eric! No wonder you're called Maze!

I started watching "60 Days In". I'm not sure if you know much about it. So far there are 4 seasons and I'm still watching the last season. Season 1 and 2 took place at a jail in Indiana. 7 random people were asked to enter a prison undercover to gain intelligence, and critique the jail system - all of it. Including CO's, food, rules, the facility, other inmates. They tried to find contraband, how it was hidden, where, how it got in. Generally , these people had to fit in and live as inmates. The guards did NOT know. So they were thoroughly immersed in the experience. It was raw, and not the usual sensationalized TV show. It was as real as I think it gets. The gangs, prison fights over little things, which inmates grow to think are the big things. At the end of the season, after 60 days, they were secretly released and gave their feedback. Needless to say, a lot was said over unfair, or authoritative CO's. Lot's to say about health care, cheeking pills, food (or lack of). As I get into my conversations with you more, I'll keep filling you in. Thus far I've learned there are some general things that are at the top of every inmates priority list -- #1: RESPECT - give it, get it (but even then you don't just get it) - #2) No snitching - Snitches get stitches - #3 - Commissary is important!! - Trade carefully and collect on what you're owed or you'll be viewed as a weakling #4 - Food trays are everything!! (Thus my further interest in your food on a daily basis is peaked even more) #4) Trust is difficult in prison/jail - It seems it's a population of liars, thieves, drug addicts, well you get the picture. But not ALL are like that! I did see some very upstanding inmates! #5) The NOISE levels are so bothersome that I think my stress levels would be through the roof!

The one thing each and every participant said when they got out was something to the effect -- "Oh the Fresh Air!!" - This prison didn't really have an outside Rec Area so the fresh air and sun/sky was so much more appreciated.

I was going to write things down as I watched but I "absorbed" instead. See Part Three from Deevoted

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Part Three from DeeVoted ( call me Dee )

Instead of writing points of interest , I tried to absorb but I will write main points down as I continue to watch because a few things might be of interest to you! As well, my short term memory is awful! It'll help to write down perhaps things that I might think as funny/entertaining but honestly, this show does give an entirely different perspective.

Is there a purpose to the maze? Or was it just something you did to fill time Eric? It really is very well done and I continue on it , still as described in part two. How long did it take you to do this one? Is there a surprise to see when I finish it? Your words lead me to believe I need to solve it so I must be making mistakes! Regardless, a maze is a puzzle and I do have 7 copies made so I'll persevere. Oh, is there just the one maze on this blog or is there more I should be looking for? Regardless I'll continue to read on ... You do write so well. I have read more than once your post from when you were "NEW" - it's funny, but oh so true!!

So it's currently 0 C which is about 32 F, and flurries are expected. In SEPTEMBER! Ughhh. I was born in the wrong county. Scratch that, wrong Continent!! Give me tropical ANYDAY! However the leaves are falling and the colours are beautiful. But still!! Brrrrr .... I'll have to pull out my windshield scraper in the morning. I get so depressed in the winter as I think a lot of people do (the ones that are snow bound anyways)

I'm a pretty good nurse, and have done many things in my life, but for the life of me, I don't have any particularly interesting talents. I don't cook well as you know (haha) but I'm working on that with one new meal each week. But I have taught myself to knit several years ago. I did have some help so currently I've been knitting socks. Making the heel is the toughest part, but the people I give them to just love them. So Christmas is coming and I'll work on a few pairs for those that appreciate them. (Bugs me when someone says they love them, and 3 years later I see them still brand new, never worn in a drawer) -- You understand?

By the time I hear from you it may be , hmmm, end of October or some time in November and I must remember this isn't a quick conversation where you can just answer me here and now. So we'll take our time, share a few moments together when we can and enjoy the wait. Please try to enjoy the wait. I sense you are very busy anyways. You write so much. I don't want to put any demands on you to write either. Just write when you're able or feel like it. Smiles.

I do hope to hear from you soon. Do you want more details on 60 Days In? Would you like to know anything else about myself, or anything else? Perhaps newsworthy things? I don't know what you would wish to know about. Let me know. I can look things up for you. (just offering, and would gladly correspond anything you like)

Hugs, DeeVoted :)

Eric Wilkes Posted 6 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Eric Wilkes Posted 6 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

rjudd11 Posted 6 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Hi Eric, I don't know why you posted the menu, but I appreciate it. There was a news report in our local paper last week about a boycott at the county jail because the food was so bad. *Both the inmates and the prison workers were going on a food boycott.* The workers at the prison were just as unhappy about the food as the inmates.

I appreciate that the prison itself is underfunded and always looks for ways to save money, so supplying a lot of oatmeal and beans (and not much else) is one way I suppose.

I think it would be a good gesture of solidarity if I were to agree to eat a prison-menu diet for a set period (and publicized that I was doing so, of course) to indicate concern about the problem. I don't have any good answers, unfortunately-- it's a disheartening problem.

DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Hi rjudd11,

Eric posted the menu as I was previously interested in meals within the prison.

I've not heard from him in a long time and had no idea about workers and inmates alike boycotting food. Not sure if this affects Eric where he is living.

I would LOVE to participate as an act of good gesture to eat a prison menu diet for the set period too! Although, in a better act of charity, to gather a bunch of people to do this and donate the money saved on better food to a worthy cause -- It could be anything prison related which would be nice for the inmates themselves (if allowed) or something that Eric feels strongly about.

Regards, Dee

rjudd11 Posted 6 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Hello Dee. I saw your note over a week ago and have been thinking about the best way to respond (I tend to overthink things...). I guess first step is to actually transcribe the menus and post them. This is of course "overeating season" -- which runs from TG to January 2. Then comes "diet season" -- dozens of ads/emails/posts re how to "lose those holiday pounds." That lasts for two or three weeks, then it's back to the usual with "super bowl blowout" season and so on. Maybe getting the idea out now wouldn't be a bad idea. I'll try to type up the menus today. Probably posting on FB and twitter would be a start, at least. (In general, I feel guilty about being overfed in a world that still sees a lot of problems due to lack of food. The numbers from parts of Africa are awful...)

Thanks again,

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