Aug. 27, 2019

Who And What Is a N*****?

by Otis Lee Rodgers (author's profile)


Who And What Is A N******?
By A Young Black Child.
Ranel, a handsome, tall, proud, bright, Afrikan Amerikan youth- a black child who was born in Europe to his American parents- his parents traveled abroad working for the State Department. At the age of fourteen Ranel's parent moved to Cleveland, Ohio to live. Prior to Ranel had attended private schools and had been home schooled.
The first day of school as anyone can well imagine was very exciting for Ranel. It was a very warm summer day and children were seemingly everywhere in and around the school grounds awaiting the school bell to start the classes. Ranel saw several groups of black children milling, playing and just horsing around..
As Ranel walked nearer to one of the groups of children, he heard them very loudly and continuously saying "I am a real Ninja, My Ninja, Ninja, Ninja, Ninja this Ninja that." Ranel stood there some what dismayed trying to figure what type of game the children were playing and who and what is a NINJA?. As he stood there looking, a few of one of the groups children approached and inquired of Ranel "Ninja, where you from?" Ranel looked baffled looking behind him for Ninja and as the question repeated Ranel spoke "Non, No, that's isn't my name, my name is Ranel."
The three black children who had challenged him all burst out laughing saying "Did you hear that crazy Ninja, he said his name isn't Ninja., ha, ha, ha,." Ranel stood there bewildered at the boy's actions, again trying to figure out what was the game- but also irritated at the way the boys was laughing at him, simply because he told them his name. Ranel noticed a group of white children standing by and who obviously had heard the verbal exchange snickering, turning and walking away for Ranel..


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Saved Posted 4 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Very good story

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