Oct. 25, 2019

It's My Birthday!

From Prometheus Writes! by Nathaniel Lindell (author's profile)


Date: 10/19/2019 1:25:34 AM

It's My Birthday !

Yep, I'm a Libra.
If you enjoy my writings & want to help me, here's some things you can order for me, which I can use or need:

I. Magazine Subscriptions
American Scientist;
National Geographic;
Prison Legal News --- are all magazines I'd love to receive, at
Nate A. Lindell #303724
2925 Columbia Dr.
P.O. Box 900
Portage, WI
This stuff -- you don't need to order anything more than you want to, it's just all the stuff I want/need - - must be ordered from:
www.WIInmatepackage.com or 1-855-247-6093
Item # Size Description Price Each Quantity
3025043------XL------Under armor crew socks------$5.95------4
8298085-----5 Ct.----Pentel fine colored pens------$6.95----- 1
2530070-----3XL----- Russell sweatshirt---------------$15.95 2
2520097-----3XL -----Russell sweatpants-------------$15.95--- 2
3010014-----2XL-----Knocker boxer briefs 2-pack$9.95------- 2
6515453-----#10-----post-embossed envelopes --$2.95--------- 6
6503021-----9x12---5-pack manilla envelopes ----$1.80-------- 2
6515006---- ------ pink hi-liter-- -------$1.20------- 1
6515004----green hi-liter-- -----$1.20-------- 5
510053--- --Spork------- .35--- 2
47452016--- 1oz. ----Frankincense oil------ -------$3.50------------------1
5599028-----6Qt. ----Sterilite tote-- ---- ---------------$3.95------- -----1
7499012---- ----soap dish------ .65--- --1
7090088---18 oct. --MET RX-BCAA 2200 tabs --- 1
7090089 ior Amino 2222 - $27.95----1
5501005----1.25Qt.-Rubbermaid bowl we/ lid-----$8.95-------- 1
9111200- ---------------Fleece-lined beanie---- -------$7.38------ ----------1
1052113--- ---Nike Benassi shower shoes--$17.50----
4001022---------------2-way cable splitter--------------$2.50 ---1
6002002--- Bicycle playing cards--- $2.65 -------- 1

From www. JLMarcusWisconsin.com or 1-800-236-2611
TV------------$208.37 ---------------1
in case you didn't already buy it
267------ ----------transformer----===-==-$1.32-------1
3707----- --------CTHP 1000 headphones ------$19.16------ 1
8236 -------- 16 Oz. cup w/ lid--- -----$1.58--------------------2
312296---16 oz ---Whey protein, cookies n cream--$12.99------- 8015-------30ct.-----Emergen-C ---------$15.23-------------------2
64STTMO--2XL---- Russell t-shirt--- --------------$4.90 -------- ----------4
1247X -----3XL ------Jersey shorts--- ---------$13.91------ - - - - - - - - -2

From www.Wisconsin packages.com 1-800-546-6283
80006145--22oz. ---cup w/ lid --------------------$.60------ 2
72149------ -- foam earplugs-- ------$.80------ 4
20660--- --hi liter yellow---- ---------$1.14----
53041-01---XL--------Nike socks 3-pack------- -------$12.80------------------ 2
80001688--100ct. -Fish oil caps------ -----------$9.45-------- ---------2
8085501099----------pencil sharpener-- -------$.86---
8119101001----------white vinyl eraser-== --$.99----- ---...........
8088301099----------10-pack blank greeting cards--$1.00-------

Ship to
Nate A. Lindell #303724
Columbia Correctional Institution
2925 Columbia Drive
P.O. Box 900
Portage, WI


Replies (2) Replies feed

Tenzin Posted 5 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Prometheus is a Titan, culture hero, and trickster figure who is credited with the creation of humanity from clay, and who defies the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity as civilization. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and as a champion of humankind

The punishment of Prometheus as a consequence of the theft is a The immortal was bound to a rock, where each day an eagle, the emblem of Zeus, was sent to eat Prometheus' liver, which would then grow back to be eaten again, eternally.

You call yourself a secular Buddhist, what does that mean? I’m a Buddhist Buddhist.
I’m a Libran too. I had a really crap birthday this year I fell backwards down the stairs. Didn’t get hurt but I am an old lady so not a great stunt to start the day with. But hey, it was probably a better start to the day than you got on yours!!
American Scientist seems like an oxymoron rather than a periodical. Science is thousands of years old, your country is only 250 years old and all your scientists are imported. My uncle worked on the fledgling NASA Apollo they recruited him from the Royal Navy. Treated him like a king, then when the missions were shelved dropped him like a stone. No more medical, no more money, I’ll health and poverty beckoned.
New Scientist is an English publication that is pretty good, it is more of a quantum sort of prediction led journal. Ask your people if I can send it into you.
How’s your liver doing?

mdileonardo@peteygreene.org Posted 5 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Happy Birthday, from Philadelphia!

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