April 20, 2020

Dear Viewres......4/9/20

by Jennifer Johnson (author's profile)


Dear viewers, April 09, 2020
First of all, I want to say to the churches Why are you still gathering after the restrictions was brought in for the corona virus. Yes the blood of Jesus cares us. But the bible also says to obey those in authority unless they are trying to make you go against the words. That was not the case. The obedient is very important to the lord. Now some of you have the coronavirus because of your disobedients. Please people do what you are told so we can cure this coronavirus in every state in United State and all other countries. So we can get back to living our lives. I want to say to the family members who has lost their family members. I am sorry, I wish their could have been more done to save your family lives. I am pray for your strength and I praying for every coronavirus patient in the hospital and nursing home. Through the help of the Lord and the obedient of the people (willing to stay home.) We will get through this trying times. I want to encourage you psalm 34:19 a righteous man may have many troubles but the lord delivers him from them all. People God's going to deliver American people and other nation. We got to keep the faith STAY HOME PEOPLE. Thanks to all the medical staff, government and other personals such as military etc. that's been keeping. Thank everybody for helping each other. We need to keep this moment even when the storm is near. I love what I am seeing and hearing. That's what it's all about people, loving one another. Once again thank you all, God bless you and your families.

Projectile Question

Donald Trump knew a man had the coronavirus November, 2019, that it could have spreaded into United States. Why wasn't everything shut down to protect the American people?

Why is it America don't have what they need in a crisis situation? Why so much confusion?

America Economy should be still prospering. Their is still a lot of business online. Their should be a slight boost so when the economy really starts back up the United States won't be in such of bad holes.

Thank you to all the other nations that has worked with America during this crisis. When we had each other hand helping each other up that when we become strong together globally. I have been praying for you and your families as well as Putin and Mr. Boris Johnson. We gonna to overcome together. I love you all know that the Americans are praying for you all.

Written by Jennifer Johnson


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