July 8, 2020

Comment Response

by Kelly Jones (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Dear Readers.......5/17/20 thumbnail
Dear Readers.......5/17/20
(June 4, 2020)


Reply ID: y6kb


Dear Mimi,

Oh! My! Gosh! Thank you so very much for your kind comments! I am very touched and it honestly means a lot to me. Unless someone says something I honestly don't know if anyone is enjoying my blog (or even reading it). Thank you so much!
Ok, you should definitely read "Game of Thrones." Even if people don't like "fantasy" it's a great series of books, I just wish he'd finish it! I couldn't watch it on TV in prison and he left off with Book 5 (in 2011...) which has SEVERAL cliff-hangers. Ugh!
I mainly like "fantasy" books (love vampires!) 'cause they take my mind away from this place, but, being from England you may find it interesting (or funny) that I also love biographies of royalty. I am about to finish Alison Weir's "The Lady in the Tower" about Anne Boleyn. Plus, I can name every British monarch from William the Conqueror in 1066 to the present Elizabeth II! God save the Queen!
Yes, I'm a dork.
This lockdown is driving me crazy! Plus, it's really not healthy mentally or physically.
As for the coordinator, if you meant the Buddhist volunteer coordinator in San Francisco, I've written him off. He's such an ass. I will be pursuing penpals elsewhere.
Yes, I am worried that COVID will become the "new normal." Are we going to go through this every year now? I sure hope not.
I have a question, if I may. People have mentioned doing a "transcription of [my] post" before, but I'm confused about what that means. What needs to be transcribed? Can you explain?
Yes, being stolen from drives me insane! I can't afford to replace things - especially when I can't work like I used to. Hopefully now that I'm in a new unit that will stop (news on that in my latest post).
Mimi, again I thank you. I'm so glad to have heard from you and I hope to again, I'm sending you a BIG HUG!!
Many Blessings. (Signature)


Replies (2) Replies feed

Mimisteward Posted 4 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Dear Kelly,

Thank you so much for your reply!

First off, yes I can explain the whole 'transcription' business. Basically, on the Between the Bars website, we have the option to transcribe, i.e. type out any blogs or letters that have been uploaded, I'm assuming for some kind of record or to make certain hand-written letters more legible and easy to read(?).

In that case, I might have to read the Game of Thrones books and get back to you! That's so funny, my friend is exactly the same in that she loves all things fantasy: vampires, werewolves, you name it! And, of course, these books can provide a sense of escapism that is more profound than non-fiction, or more mundane plots perhaps.

How bizarre that you say you're currently reading about Anne Boleyn whilst I've just today been reading John Guy's 'Elizabeth: The Forgotten Years', which also deals with Henry VIII a lot! It's a very interesting time period I think, partly because of the bloodshed and sheer gruesomeness of it all! That's so impressive! I'm not sure I could very easily name every monarch from William the Conqueror to our current Queen!

I'm pleased to hear that you've transferred units, and hope that things might become a little easier now, but I'd love to know how you're holding up under these new conditions.

With regards to COVID, I think that it will become a relatively regular epidemic, but hopefully it won't necessarily evolve into the pandemic that we are currently experiencing! Here in England, after seeing a reduction in cases, the Prime Minister eased restrictions a little, but it almost looks as though cases are now going to rise again as certain areas in the country have been put back into lockdown! I know that my university are already planning on running the first semester almost entirely online, so I wouldn't be surprised if work, entertainment industries, schools and universities etc. are completely restructured/altered for a while to come!

Thank you again for your reply Kelly, and I hope to hear from you soon!

All the best wishes,


Kelly Jones Posted 4 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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