Aug. 8, 2021

Getting Vaccinated Is Very Important

by Jennifer Johnson (author's profile)


Getting vaccinated Is very Important

And why so I say that is because you are helping your neighbor by protecting them from a early death as well yourself. Come on people let's not be selfish people. We got to care about more than oneself. I been vaccinated with mendor. I am alright. Do you want to be alright. Please Get vaccinated if you haven't and stop worry about the unnecessary.

Why is the Infrastructure Bill is stalling a vote, some of these infrastructure has been build in the 60's 70's etc. These infrastructure being build over are important. Some people not satisfied in the government until a bridge on a road cave in on them. Self explanatory- so why are we still talking about this.

Business world- The impact of inflation- the rising prices. SO If there is supply chain is low, Why not move your demographic to another location. Where you can develop more supply. Such as crops for example, there is a drought in Texas. But I have another supply in another state that has not been destroy by a drought. In the business world you. must learn how to work your demographics.

Labor shortage in United States- why is there a labor shortage? Is because alot people incarceration or because of death rates. Are we still using the COV-19 as excuse to not hire people or people don't want to work because they are afraid of getting COV-19. My son just had a problem with the city of Blakely, GA. He went to get a job driving the garbage truck. They wouldn't hire him, know him situation. People are so picky with these jobs. In a time that is so troubling for the American families and communities. So what is the problem with the labor shortage? When jobs are few and people are hungry. Don't know what their tomorrow is going to be or how they going to eat or pay bills. Crime rate and violence is going to shoot up people. This has been repeatedly for years. Crime rate and is goes up because of poverty. It wrong what is going on in Chicago, new York- the violence. you want the youth and adults to stop robbing, killing, car jacking give them something to look forward to in your community. Give them a way of escape out of the gangs and street life.

The left behind our senior citizen. My understand they receive neuse on their social securities and disability checks. Some them only get enough to pay one bill in the house. If they don't have a mate, their going to struggle, When I was a single mom on welfare, I received $400 worth of food stamp to elder lady who stayed next door only received $16.00 worth of food stamps. 400 it was important for my children to eat but to me it was important for my senior citizen to eat as well. A Facs has been robbing the senior citizen like this for decades. It's time for our senior citizens to eat good as well. Give them more food stamps. Help them don't leave them behind like that to suffer. They deserve a good meal as well.

People we have to more better in life, If we want better. Is it necessary to keep making the same mistake, decision, and talking about the same thing if we ain't trying to put our foot down. I am one for curfews. When your community is getting out of hand with violence I've notice in the pass riots because the people don't want to acknowledge curfews. But something has to be done in New York, and Chicago in a decent way but effective way that is going to put a stop to the violence and car jacking. When I left New Jersey in the early 90s. We had a problem with car jacking in New Jersey and New York.

Written by
Jennifer Johnson


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