Date: 10/14/2021 9:51:48 AM
Yes we are at day/12. And my vitals are a lot better today. My weight was 211 pounds so I
gained one pound. Its all the water that I've been drinking. Which also did my dp good which
came in at 120/78 bs 73 pulses 84. So everything is good.:-) And I feel better this morning. I
know its because I've been drinking a lot of water. I've got to keep myself hydrated. A friend of
mine wrote and said you can't coerce these people into doing what you want them to do. Well
this hunger strike has nothing to do with getting this administration to do the right thing. No this
isn't about coercion. Its about retaliation over my writings about this poor dead women found in
that FDOC rented hotel room during the 2021 fallen officer memorial ceremony and the
corruption that our Regional Director Mr John Palmer rose out of. Because this is what the
retaliation come from. And if we had a fair and effective grievance procedure as required by law,
well this would have been resolved through that process. But this administration allowed my
DR chairman who found me guilty of this DR to then respond to grievance that was against
him and his erroneous ruling. So the man wouldn't listen to the evidence and the law at the DR
hearing, and then again ignored it in the grievance log#2107-213-154. So they rendered my
appeal ineffective. And then when it gets to the Secretary's representatives W. Millette ignores
all the facts. And only addresses one issue in grievance appeal log#21-6-24106 which states
Your administrative appeal has been reviewed and evaluated. The response you received at the
institutional level has been reviewed and is found to approximately addresses the concerns that
you raised at the institutional level as well as the Central Office level. Chapter 33 does not
prohibit a DR hearing team member from responding to a grievance related to the DR. Your
administrative appeal is denied. signed by W. Millette 8/25/21 A DR chairman can't respond to
an appeal grievance against him. Its absolutely improve to hear an appeal against your ruling.
33-601.306(1) A person SHALL NOT serve as the hearing officer or as a member of the
disciplinary team, or participate in the deliberations when they are: (a) A witness or person who
wrote the charge. (b) The investigating officer. or (c) The person charged with the review or the
results of the disciplinary hearing. (C)applies here showing that if your in charge of reviewing
the results of the disciplinary hearing that you "CANNOT BE INVOLVED WITH THE
HEARING!!!" Well not only was he involved in this hearing he was the chairman who found me
guilty. It was clearly improve. All I'm trying to do is correct this injustice. And have Secretary
Mark Inch review this. If he applies the law he will see that this DR shouldn't have been written.
This retaliation. And UCI's records will show they've never suspended anyone else's visit's
for a minor ten day DR. They did this to get back at me. So this isn't about coercion, its about
correcting this injustice and having them applying the law and the rules that they should have
applied. And bringing attention our grievance system which needs fixing to give us inmates an
outlet to resolve issues. God bless you all.
In Peace and love Ronnie
Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
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