Harszewki Blog 1660
Comment Reply
ID: bnav
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* It appears there's been some activity on this post. As I write, my previous replies are still not posted, and I'm aware of one reply from Tenzin to AbolishBorders. It also looks like another of Tenzin's comments was removed by the administrator—not the first. There may be more comments I don't even know about yet, as her last barrage of bile seems to have gotten some attention. If I seem to be overlooking anything here by Tenzin or anyone else who has so kindly commented, rest assured—I just haven't seen it yet. I will let you know when I do. Sorry for the odd delays! *
Tenzin/DeafKat, re. your reply to AbolishBorders... I've been advised to block you, but I'm against censorship of even the most repulsive ideas and expressions, so I hope to avoid that option. I also know that BTB has removed a number of your comments after others complained about your attacks violating community standards; I apologize for that. I appreciate (enormously!) the users who stick up and look out fore me, and those who simply condemn your cyber-bullying, but I do wish they'd express their displeasure here in public comments instead of privately trying to remove you. Yes, I'm aware that YOU try to remove ME in both public and private communications with Between the Bars, but this is just one more demonstration of the differences between us, Tenzin. I DID remove a small part of your first comment (Note to non-Tenzin readers: she posted multiple angry rants back in 2020 on a blog titled "After All These Years, I finally had to Say Something About This," attacking not only me but this entire website and the people who visit and run it), but only the assaultive bits you cut and pasted from some other website were cut... otherwise, I've left all your hateful words intact for the world to see. We all have a right to express our genuine thoughts, Tenzin, and some people will invariably exercise that right to injure others. That's the nature of free speech, and I choose not to impede yours if it can be avoided.
On that note... my last replies to you were pretty snarky. I regretted at least one part as soon as I mailed it... Tenzin, I won't be calling you a "troll" anymore, though
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the nature of your comments fits the popular definition to a T. (Internet Troll: One who posts inflammatory anonymous comments, often to incite anger or violence.) It was a cheap shot for me to call you a "troll," and it came from a place of weakness, so I won't do it anymore, though others will and you'll almost certainly continue giving them plenty of reason to. So, no more "troll" from me then, but I also will not call you "Tenzin" anymore, either. At first I thought it was your real name, so to not be insulting, I privately noted the irony and moved on. But now it seems you really have taken the name intentionally, presumably inspired by Tenzin Gyatso, our 14th Dalai Lama, and now you type your angry screeds under a screen-name referencing a man who once said, "When I go out to meet the public, spreading a message of human values (and) a message of harmony is the most important thing." Your appropriation of the name of one of the kindest, most compassionate people on the planet seems grotesque to me, and to be honest, when I realized what you were doing, that felt more offensive than any other bit of your venomous spewage, save for one, which I'll address shortly. So, here in these comments at least, you don't get to play "Tenzin" anymore. I will call you "DeafKat" instead: Disagreeable English Agitator Formerly Known As Tenzin. My apologies if you're not English—I believe you're from the U.K., and Americans tend to use the words "English" and "British" interchangeably, but as it works for me on a number of levels, it stays.
The poster AbolishBorders commented to confirm the factual accuracy of my claims about exaggerated abduction panic, yet you didn't address those facts at all. Instead, you replied with more screeching non-sequiturs about "super predators" and "350 victims" (honestly, where do you come up with this?), attacking the commenter as an "unrealistic, tearful liberal" and even presuming he or she must not be a parent because this person doesn't share your irrational hysterias. I wrote—and AbolishBorders confirmed—that nowhere near 2,300 kids per day are kidnapped... then you replied that I'm a cannibal ("children are a buffet" to me? Good god, DeafKat.) Ultimately, you defend yourself as "not a hater," insisting you don't make "hateful attacks" (though no commenter said you did, so perhaps this is a manifestation of guilty conscience?). But
Blog 1660
(Comment reply ID bnav, cont.)
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here is a partial list of the hate you've expressed just in the comments that HAVEN'T yet been removed as abusive (and I can only imagine what was in those!): First, there's me. You don't know me at all, yet you clearly hate me with white hot passion. Odd, and blisteringly judgmental, no? Then there's your contempt for: Liberals; homosexuals; non-parents; prisoners in protective custody; BTB users who transcribe my posts; BTB staffers who ALLOW me to post; and just generally anyone who dares to utter a supportive word for me or for others who've been charged with things that upset you. That looks like a significant collection of hatefulness to me, and I'm sure it's only the tip of the iceberg.
In any event, the glaring omission in your reply to AbolishBorders and in everything else you post here is, of course, any acknowledgement of or engagement with the facts. DeafKat, why do you always ignore facts? If you must continue to harass me here, at least make it worthwhile by trying to disprove my actual claims, or arguing (coherently, please) that my ideas are flawed or unworkable. For Christ's sake, I'm just a prisoner with almost no access to information, constrained to scribbling out a few feeble thoughts by hand, while you are a computer-literate free person with the entire internet at your disposal... give us something of substance. Please.
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself (or even—gulp!—to ask ME!), whether I actually did anything like the things for which I was convicted? Seems not, so let me just tell you then... What you presume I've done, I have not. Not even close. Oh sure, perhaps I'm "guilty" of, for example, "contributing to the delinquency of a minor," a charge based on my calling the school of my 14-year-old friend when I was 19, claiming to be his father to excuse his absence one afternoon. On the other hand, it could be argued that I should've been commended rather than convicted for helping someone escape the drudgery of at least one day of compulsory schooling. Let's leave that to the jury of public opinion.
You squawk, endlessly, about "my victims," and even more so than your appropriation of the Dalai Lama's name for your deeply anti-Buddhist campaign of self-righteous indignation, this is the most offensive thing you do. I can accept personal attacks, but your attacks against my friends are a bridge too far. You have no right to force your "victim" label on people who don't want it. That, DeafKat, is abusive. These people you demean as "victims" were, are, and will always be people I care about deeply; some of them remain close friends
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to this day. I'm sure that's beyond your comprehension. There are no "350" (have I even had 350 friends of ANY kind, much less intimate ones?), more like 3 or 4, and all are long "grown up" now, some with families of their own, but all with outrageous stories of how they were bullied, berated, and coerced into non-voluntary "cooperation" with crusaders like you who never gave a rat's ass about their feelings, their needs, or their truth. To a punishment system that's laser-focused on getting those Big Gold Stars that convictions like mine represent, these young people are nothing but tools to be exploited—used up, wrung dry, then forgotten just as soon as some form of guilty verdict is obtained. Just grist for the mill.
Now, because this is a story that needs to be told, I'm going to share something in another post on this comment thread. It's not really for you, DeafKat, as I suspect your brain is hopelessly broken in this area, but it's for anyone who actually cares about the truth of the abuse that young people often suffer at the hands of ambitious pigs. It'll be a lengthy set of excerpts from letters an old friend sent to me, someone whom you, DeafKat, would brand not just a "victim," but specifically MY "victim." The excerpts will be anonymous, lightly edited, and paraphrased where appropriate for clarity and to protect my friend's privacy, but I will never misrepresent his own memories, thoughts, and feelings. I'm sure his heartbreaking words will only fuel more of your bilious ranting; nevertheless, it seems important to inject some reality into this discourse for anyone with good-faith interest in the truth.
With that DeafKat, I bid you adieu.
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